The siege of Ganja and invaded his fortress (Azerbaijan: G? Nc? Qalas? N? Ni ?? al ?, ?????????????? ???? Persian: ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? is the result Russia in the South Caucasus intended to conquer Ganja Khanate, which contributed to the escalation of the Russian-Persian War (1804-1813).
Video Battle of Ganja (1804)
After Tsar Paul's decision to annex Georgia (December 1800) and, after Paul's assassination (March 11, 1801), the activist policy followed by his successor, Alexander I, aims to establish Russian control over the eastern Caucasus khanate. In 1803, the commander of the newly appointed Russian army in Caucasus, Paul Tsitsianov, attacked Ganja. After Mohammad Khan Qajar invaded Tbilisi, whom Javad Khan fought over with Agha Mu? Ammad Kh? N, Tsitsianov wrote a letter to Javad Khan, demanding voluntary submission:
Javad Khan replied:
After this response the Russians moved forward, and the shot opened. Javad Khan defended heroically and the siege lasted a month, Tsitsianov renewed demands to surrender for five times, but to no avail. "I will take the castle and I will set you free," - he wrote and a loud Khan replied: "You will find me dead on the walls of the castle!", And both of them vowed to fulfill his promises. Finally, on January 14, 1804, the Russian war council decided to do: "Be attacked the next day".
Maps Battle of Ganja (1804)
Tsitsianov divided Russian troops into two columns, one entrusted to Major General Portnyagin (Karabagh gate) and the other to Colonel Pavel Karyagin (Tbilisi Gate). Early morning (5.00 am), January 15, Portnyagin column, approached the Karabagh gate, and punctured a hole in the ground before the wall, but as defenders had focused their main troops at the gap site, the Port left him. beside and stormed the fort with stairs. The resistance he encountered was so great that the Russians resumed the attack twice, and twice were beaten back with huge losses. Then Portniagin rushed to the head of the column and first went to the wall, followed by a lieutenant of Narva's fallen regiment, hit by several bullets. Then Major Bartenev of the Caucasus Grenadius Regiment fell and finally, it was Lieutenant Colonel Simanovich Grenadiers who managed to climb the ladder to the wall and help Portnyagina. Meanwhile, the second column, led by Colonel Karyagina, climbs the wall from the Tbilisi gate, and takes over the main tower. The other two towers are taken one by one by the main Lisanevich. Javad Khan, who does not want to seek safety in flight, takes a gun and sword in hand and defends himself until he has been killed by captain Kalovski, who himself was immediately killed by human rights defenders. Khan's death brings confusion to the ranks of defenders, but they still show resistance and pile up heavy stones.
The city is currently in a terrible confusion. The crowds, on horses and feet, rushed in the chaos of the streets, in vain searching for the dead Khan. Bewildered citizens hide in their homes and barns, women fill the air with frantic cries. Meanwhile, the Russian soldiers with bayonets cleared the way, completely covered the corpse, and seized the booty, found a treasure of precious gold. At noon the battle began to subside, and broke again only momentarily when, according to Tstsianov, the soldiers went to five hundred people, who had been entrenched in the Juma mosque. Initially they offered to surrender, but when an Armenian said that among them there were some Lezgins, it was a sign of the death of all human rights defenders, because Lezghins's hatred was so strong among the Russians.
Tsitsianov greatly appreciated the efforts of the soldiers in capturing the castle and wrote: "... this is evidence of the moral superiority of the Russian Empire over Persia and the spirit of belief in victory, will feed and warm the soldiers I consider my first goal."
The eldest son of Javad Khan, Hossein Quli khan, was also killed during the fighting, the rest of Khan's family was arrested and several years later (1812) were given permission to go to Iran via Baku. His younger son, Ughurlu, survived, went to Iran and then fought against the Russian Empire when the Iranians attacked Ganja in the second Russian-Persian war.
Various Persian and Western historians have written about the dimensions of the massacre that occurred after the fall of the city. Etemad ol saltane (Iranian historian) states that the massacre that occurred after the battle lasted for three days, Hedayat had a more accurate time of three hours, Abbasgulu Bakikhanov mentioned the massacre but gave no further information. It is estimated that about 1,500-3,000 people died.
Shah's Response
At the beginning of the battle, Javad sent a messenger to Fath Ali Shah and asked for reinforcement. Shah collected 30,000 strong troops and sent them to Ganja, but the troops did not reach Ganja in time because of the cold of January and also because Hossein Khan Sardar, the Khan governor of Erevan Khanate had rebelled against the Shah and only one mail carrier, Saied Bayk, time.
Taking Cannabis is a very important event because it is considered a key fortress to the northern province of Persia. Therefore, wanting to show that the Russians will never leave the conquered territory, the name Ganji must be cut from people's memories, so Tsitsianov changed the name of the city to Elisabethpol , after the wife of Alexander I of Russia, Elisabeth. Referring to a place with an old name being a crime punishable by a fine, the main mosque is converted into a church, and Russian law replaces Islamic law. However, as Swietochowski noted, the name "Elisabethpol" was never accepted among the Azerbaijanis, who continued to call the city of Ganja.
The wives of Javad Khan and other relatives who survived the battle but did not flee to Iran (like most of his sons) were arrested. They were detained as prisoners in the fort until 1812, when they were released by Tsitsianov's successor Philip Paulucci, who held a view, a novel among Russian officials, that Javad Khan was a brave man who died fighting for his interests.
With Tsitianov's attack on Ganja, the Iranian people see a direct invasion into their country territory. The problem now no longer imposed respect on Lezgins or about reaffirming the Persian domination of Christian Georgia, which had taken place several years earlier; Now, Iran's own Shiite integrity has been violated by the invasion of the city of Ganja.
Two years after the Russian occupation of Ganja, Oghorulou khan, son Javad khan with the help of the crown prince Abbas Mirza, evacuated many residents of Ganja to the Iranian border, so that the protection of Ganja population 6,000 families entrusted to -Gholi Pir Khan Qajar, who moved them to Tabriz. Then again in 1809, the tribe Bozchalou and Ayromlou of Ganja reach Nakhchivan, and they renamed Qarapapaq (Black hat in Azeri), and finally after Nakhjavan handed over to Russia, they go to Solduz (Naqadeh), it is put in the Province Azerbaijan West Iran. Other major places of Qarapapaq residence are the province of Ardahan (around Lake ÃÆ' â â¬? Ld? R), Kars and me? D? R in Turkey.
See also
Benteng Ganja
- Fisher, William Bayne; Avery, P.; Hambly, G. R. G; Melville, C. (1991). Sejarah Cambridge Iran . 7 . Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. ISBN: 0521200954. < rentang>
Tautan eksternal
- SIEGE DAN ASSAULT dari Benteng Ganja (dalam bahasa Rusia)
Source of the article : Wikipedia