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Kamis, 28 Juni 2018

Crazy Horse Memorial Foundation - Crazy Horse Memorial Foundation
src: crazyhorsememorial.org

Crazy Horse (Lakota: T? a? ÃÆ'º? to WitkÃÆ'³ in Lakota Standard Orthography, IPA: /t? A '??? k? Wit'k?/, lit. ' His-Horse-Is-Crazy '; c. 1840 Ã, - September 5, 1877) was the original American war leader of Oglala Lakota in the 19th century. He took up arms against the US federal government to fight the encroachment of white American settlers in Indian territory and to defend the traditional way of life of the Lakota community. His participation in several famous wars of American Indian War in the Great Plains to the north, among them the Fetterman massacre in 1866, where he acted as decoy, and the Battle of Little Bighorn in 1876, where he presided over a war feast. to victory, making him highly respected both from his enemies and his own people.

In September 1877, four months after surrendering to US troops under General George Crook, Crazy Horse was badly wounded by a bayonet military guard, while allegedly opposing imprisonment at Camp Robinson in Nebraska today. He ranks among the most important and iconic of the Native American soldiers and was honored by the US Postal Service in 1982 with a series stamp of 13Ã, Â ¢ Great America.

Video Crazy Horse

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Different sources in the exact year of birth of Crazy Horse, but most agree he was born between 1840 and 1845. According to a close friend, he and Crazy Horse "both born in the same year in the same season this year," the census record and the venue of the interview another in 1842. Pushing Bear, a man of Oglala treatment and a spiritual adviser to the warlord Oglala, reported that Gila Horse was born "in the year in which the band belonging to him, Oglala, stole a Hundred Horse, and in the autumn of this year," a reference to Lakota yearly or winter calendar. Among the number of Oglala winters, the theft of 100 horses was recorded by the Cloud Shield, and possibly by the owners of the American Horse and the Red Horse, which is equivalent to 1840-41 years. The oral history accounts of relatives at the Cheyenne River Reservation placed his birth in the spring of 1840. On the eve of his son's death, the older Gila Horse told Lieutenant H.R. Lemly that the year of birth is 1840.

Crazy Horse was born to parents of two Lakota division tribes in Sioux, his father was an Oglala and his mother a Miniconjou. His father, who was born in 1810, was also named Crazy Horse. Crazy Horse is named Cha-O-Ha ("In the Desert" or "Between the Tree") at birth, which means he is one with nature. His mother, Rattling Blanket Woman (born 1814), gave him the nickname "Curly" or "Light Hair," because of his thin curly hair similar to his hair. He died when Crazy Horse was four years old.

One account says that after his son reaches maturity and demonstrates his strength, his father names him and retrieves a new one, Waglula ("Worm"). Another version of how the younger Crazy Horse gets his name is he picks it up after having a vision. Crazy Horse's cousin (son of Lone Horn) is Touch the Clouds. He saved the life of Crazy Horse at least once and with him when he died.


Ripped Blanket Lady is the daughter of Black Buffalo and White Cow (also known as Iron Cane). His older siblings are Lone Horn (born 1790, died 1877) and Good Looking Woman (born 1810). His sister named Looks At It (born 1815), then named They Will Fear Him. Historian George Hyde writes that Rattling Blanket Woman is Miniconjou and the sister of Spotted Tail, who heads the Brulà © family.

In the summer of 1844, Waglula went on a water buffalo hunt. He came in the village Miniconjou Lakota was attacked by the soldiers Crow. He leads a small group of warriors to the village and rescues him. Corn, the village chief, has lost his wife in the attack. In gratitude he gave Waglula his two eldest daughters as wives: Iron Between Horns (age 18) and Kills Enemy (age 17). The youngest daughter of Corn, Red Leggins, who was 15 at the time, asked to go with her sister; all became Waglula's wife.

According to Frederick Hoxie Encyclopedia of North American Indians , Crazy Horse is the third in his male line to bear the name of Crazy Horse, which in Lakota is T? A? ÃÆ'º? Go to WitkÃÆ'³ . T? A? ÃÆ'º? To WitkÃÆ'³ III (1840-1877) is the son of Rattling Blanket Woman and T? A? ÃÆ'º? To WitkÃÆ'³ II. The love of his life is Black Buffalo Woman, which he cared about, but he married another man named No Water. At one point, Crazy Horse persuaded Black Buffalo Woman to escape with him. No Water borrowed a gun and pursued his wife. When he finds it with Crazy Horse, he shoots it, injures his face and leaves a real scar. Crazy Horse married twice, first to Black Shawl and second to Nellie Larrabee (Laravie). Nellie Larrabee was given the task of spying a Mad Horse for the military, so "marriage" was a suspect. Only Black Shawl gave him a child, a girl named They Fear of Him, who died at the age of three.


Crazy Horse lives in the Lakota camp in Wyoming now with his younger stepdaughter, Little Hawk, son of Between Between Horn and Waglula. Little Hawk is his stepfather's nephew, Long Face, and his cousin, High Horse. In 1854, the camp was entered by Lt. John Lawrence Grattan and 29 other US troops, intending to arrest a Miniconjou man for stealing a cow. The cow wandered into the camp, and after a while someone cut the meat and gave it to the people. When the soldiers fatally shot the Chief Conquering the Bear, Lakota returned fire, killing 30 soldiers and a civilian translator in what was then called the Grattan massacre.

After witnessing the death of the Conquer Bears at the Grattan massacre, Mad Horse began to gain trans sight. Curly searches for the vision to seek guidance but without going through traditional procedures first. In his vision, a fighter on his horse rode a lake and the horse seemed to float and dance throughout the vision. She was dressed in simple clothes, no face paint, her hair dropped only with a feather inside, and a small brown stone behind her ear. Bullets and arrows flew around him as he struck forward, but neither he nor his horse was beaten. Thunderstorms approached the knight, and his men grabbed his arm trying to restrain him. The soldier broke their lap and then lightning struck it, leaving a lightning symbol on his cheek, and a white icicle mark appeared on his body. The warrior tells Curly that as long as she is dressed modestly, her tribe does not touch her, and she does not take a leather cup or a war trophy, then she will not be harmed in battle. When the vision ended, he heard the red-tailed eagle screaming in the distance. Curly's father then interpreted the vision and said that the soldier would be himself. Lightning flashes on his cheeks and hail on his body became his war paint. Curly is following the role of the soldier to dress modestly and do what the combat inmates said so he will not get hurt in battle. For the most part, the vision was true and Crazy Horse was rarely injured in combat, except when he was hit by an arrow after taking two enemy heads. He was shot in the face by No Water when Little Big Man tried to hold Crazy Horse to prevent a fight broke out, and he was detained by one of his tribes - according to some reports, Little Big Man himself - when he was stabbed by the bayonet the night he died.

His father Waglula brought him to what is today Sylvan Lake, South Dakota, where they both sit to do hemblecha or vision search. A red-tailed eagle takes them to their places in the hills; because of the tall trees in the Black Hills, they could not always see where they were going. Crazy Horse sits between two mounds at the top of the hill to the north and to the east of the lake. Waglula sits south of Black Elk Peak but to the north of his son.

The vision of the first Mad Dogs brought him to the South where, in Lakota's spirituality, one goes towards death. He was brought back and brought to the West toward the wakiyans (thunder creatures). She was given a package of medicine to protect her for life. One animal protector is a white owl which, according to Lakota spirituality, will prolong life. He was also shown "face paint" for the battle, which consisted of yellow lightning on the left side of his face, and white powder. He will moisten this and mark it in his vulnerable area; when dried, the marks look like ice cubes. His face paint is similar to his father, who uses a red flash attack on the right side of his face and three red ice cubes on his forehead. Crazy Horse does not wear makeup on his forehead and does not wear a war hat. Finally, he is given a sacred song that is still sung by the Oglala people today and he is told that he will be the protector of his people.

Black Elk, a contemporary and Crazy Horse cousin, related vision in Black Elk Speaks: Being the Life Story of the Saints of Oglala Sioux, from a conversation with John G. Neihardt:

When I was a man, my dad told me something about that vision. Of course he does not know everything; but he says that Mad Horse dreams and goes to a world where there is nothing but the spirit of all things. That is the real world behind this one, and everything we see here is something like the shadow of the world. He was riding a horse in that world, and the horse and himself on it, the trees, the grass, the stones and everything made of spirits, and nothing hard, and everything seemed to float. His horse stood still there, but it danced around like a horse made out of shadows, and that's how he got his name, which does not mean that his horse is crazy or wild, but in his vision it dances around that strange way.

It is this vision that gives him great power, because when he fights, he only thinks of that world to be in it again, so that he can get through anything and not get hurt. Until he was killed in the City of the Warriors on the White River, he was wounded only twice, once by accident and second by one of his own men when he did not expect trouble and did not think; never by enemy.

Crazy Horse received a black stone from a drug man named Horn Chips to protect his horse, a black-and-white pinto he named Inyan (stone or stone). He laid the stone behind the ears of the horse so that the cure of his vision search and the Horn Chip would merge - he and his horse would be one in battle. A more accepted account, however, is that the Horn Chips give Crazy Horse a sacred stone that protects it from bullets. Furthermore, Crazy Horse was never injured by bullets. In addition, it should be noted that the "Horny Chips" is not the correct name of the herbalist, although it has been a recurring error since its first publication in 1982. The Lakota name is Woptura and he is named " Chips "by the government, and referred to as Old Man Chips. Horn Chips is one of his sons, also known as Charles Chips.


Crazy Horse is known to have a personality characterized by indifference, shame, modesty and solitude. He is generous to the poor, the elderly, and the children. In Black Elk Speaks, Neihardt relay:

... he is a freak and will go to the village without paying attention to people or saying anything. In the teepee himself he jokes, and when he's on a war path with a small party, he'll joke to make his soldiers feel good. But around the village he rarely looks at anyone, except for the little ones. All the Lakotas like to dance and sing; but he never danced, and they say no one has ever heard him sing. But everyone likes it, and they will do whatever they want or go anywhere they say.

Maps Crazy Horse

Leadership of war

Title "Shirt Wearer"

Through the late 1850s and early 1860s, the reputation of Crazy Horse as a fighter grew, so did the fame among Lakota. The Lakota tells his story in their oral history. His first assassination was a Shoshone robbeman who had killed a Lakota woman washing buffalo along the Powder River. Crazy horses battled in various battles between Lakota and their traditional enemies, Crow, Shoshone, Pawnee, Blackfeet, and Arikara, among Plains tribes.

In 1864, after the Third Colorado Cavalry cut down Cheyenne and Arapaho at the Sand River Massacre, Oglala and Minneconjou bands allied themselves against the US military. Crazy Horse was present at the Battle of Platte Bridge and Battle of Red Buttes in July 1865. Due to his fighting ability and generosity to the tribe, in 1865 Crazy Horse was named Ogle Tanka Un ("Shirt Wearer" or war leader) by the tribe.

The Hundred Battle in Hand (Fight Fetterman)

On December 21, 1866, Crazy Horse and six other soldiers, both Lakota and Cheyenne, faked 53 infantry Captain William Fetterman and 27 cavalry troops under Lieutenant Grummond into the ambush. They have been sent out of Fort Phil Kearny to follow up on previous attacks on wooden trains. The Mad Horse lured the Fetterman infantry up the hill. The Grummond cavalry followed the other six feeds along Peno Head Ridge and down to Peno Creek, where some Cheyenne women scoffed at the soldiers. Meanwhile, Cheyenne leader Little Wolf and his soldiers, who hide on the opposite side of Head Ridge Peno, block the route back to the fort. The Lakota warriors swept the hill and attacked the infantry. The additional Cheyenne and Lakota hiding in toothbrush along Peno Creek effectively surrounded the soldiers. Seeing them surrounded, Grummond heads to the cavalry back to Fetterman.

A combined soldier's force of nearly 1,000 killed all US troops, in what was known at the time to the white population as the Fetterman Massacre. It was the worst defeat of the Army in the Great Plains up to that time. The Lakota and Cheyenne call it the Hundred Battle in Hand.

Against Box Wagon

On August 2, 1867, Crazy Horse participated in the Wagon Box Fight, also near Fort Phil Kearny. Lakota forces numbering between 1000 and 2000 attacked the wood-cutting crew near the fortress. Most of the soldiers ran into a wheelless circle of cart carts, using them for cover when they fired on Lakota. The Lakota took a big loss, because the soldiers fired a new breech-breaking rifle. It can shoot ten times one minute compared to the old muzzle loading rate three times a minute. The Lakota was charged after the army fired the first time, expecting the delay of their older muskets before it could shoot again. The soldiers suffered only five people dead and two were injured, while Lakota suffered between 50 to 120 victims. Many Lakota are buried in the hills around Fort Phil Kearny in Wyoming.

Controversy over Black Buffalo Women

In the fall of 1870, Crazy Horse invited Black Buffalo Woman to accompany him to buffalo hunting in the Slim Buttes area of ​​south-western South Dakota today. She is the wife of No Water, who has a reputation for drinking too much. It is a habit of Lakota to allow a woman to divorce her husband at any time. She does it by moving with relatives or with other men, or by placing her husband's stuff outside their cottage. Although some compensation may be needed to smooth the wounded feelings, the rejected husband is expected to accept his wife's decision. No Water is far from the camp when Crazy Horse and Black Buffalo Woman go for a buffalo hunt.

No Water tracks Crazy Horse and Black Buffalo Woman in the Slim Buttes area. When he finds them in the teepee, he calls out Crazy Horse's name from the outside. When Crazy Horse answers, No Water plugs a gun into the teepee and targets Crazy Horse. Touch Cloud, cousin and first son Gila Horse from Lone Horn, sitting in the closest teepee from the entrance. He dropped the gun up when No Water fired, turning the bullet into the upper jaw of Crazy Horse. There is no water left, with relatives of Crazy Horse in pursuit. No Water runs his horse to death and keeps on walking until it reaches security in its own village.

Some parents convince Crazy Horse and No Water that there is no blood to be shed. As compensation for the shooting, No Water gave the three crazed horses horses. Since Crazy Horse is with the wife of a married man, he is stripped of his title as Shirt Wearer (leader).

Black Shawl and Nellie Larrabee

Crazy Horse is married to Black Shawl, a member of Oglala Lakota and a relative of Spotted Tail. The elders sent him to heal Crazy Horse after his fight with No Water. Crazy Horse and Black Shawl Woman were married in 1871. Black Shawl gave birth to the only child of Crazy Horse, a daughter named They Are Afraid Of Her, who died in 1873. Black Shawl outlived Crazy Horse. He died in 1927 during the influenza epidemic of the 1920s.

Red Cloud also arranges to send a young woman, Nellie Larrabee, to stay at the Crazy Horse inn. Interpreter William Garnett describes Larrabee as "half blood, not of the finest frontier varieties, a cruel and evil lady". Larrabee, also referred to as Chi-Chi and Brown Eyes Woman, is the daughter of a French merchant and a Cheyenne lady. Garnett's first-hand account of the surrender of Gila Horse alludes to Larrabee as a "half-blooded woman" who causes Crazy Horse to fall into "an unreasonable domestic trap that leads her gradually toward her destruction." Greater Sioux War of 1876-77

On September 10, 1876, Captain Anson Mills and two Third Cavalry battalions captured the village of Miniconjou 36 riding on the Battle of Lean Buttes, South Dakota. Crazy Horse and his followers tried to save the camp and the head of his tribe, the American Horse (Old Man) but they did not succeed. The soldiers killed the American Horse and many of his family after they hid in a cave for several hours.

On January 8, 1877, the Crazy Horse fighters fought in their last major battle at Wolf Mountain, against the US Cavalry in the Montana Territory. His people struggled through the winter, weakened by hunger and cold the old. Crazy Horse decided to give up with his band to protect them, and went to Fort Robinson in Nebraska.

Crazy Horse Biography - Biography
src: www.biography.com

Last Sun Dance of 1877

The Last Sun Dance of 1877 was crucial in the history of Lakota when the Sun Dance was held in honor of Crazy Horse one year after the victory at the Battle of Little Big Horn, and to offer prayers for him in difficult times ahead. Crazy Horse attended the Sun Dance as an honored guest but did not join in the dance. Five cousin warriors sacrificed blood and meat for Crazy Horse at the Last Sun Dance in 1877. Five cousin warriors were three brothers, Flying Hawk, Kicking Bear and Black Fox II, all of the Black Fox Head's sons, also known as Great Kicking Bear, and two cousins others, Eagle Thunder and Walking Eagle. The cousin of the five knights is a brave warrior who is considered a formidable warrior.

Crazy Horse Memorial Foundation - Crazy Horse Memorial Foundation
src: crazyhorsememorial.org

Surrender and die

Crazy Horse and other northern Oglala leaders arrived at the Red Cloud Agency, located near Fort Robinson, Nebraska, on May 5, 1877. Together with He Dog, Little Big Man, Iron Crow, and others, they met in a special ceremony with Lieutenant One. William P. Clark is the first step in their formal submission.

For the next four months, Crazy Horse lives in his village near the Red Cloud Agency. The attention Crazy Horse received from the Army drew the jealousy of Red Cloud and Spotted Tail, two Lakota who had long come to the agency and adopted the white way. Rumors of Crazy Horse's desire to slip away and return to the old way of life began to spread in Red Cloud and Spotted Tail agents. In August 1877, officers at Camp Robinson received word that Nez Perce of Chief Joseph had violated their reservations in Idaho and fled north through Montana to Canada. When asked by Lieutenant Clark to join the Army against Nez Perce, the Mad Horse and Miniconjou leader Touch the Clouds object, saying that they have promised to remain peaceful when they surrender. According to one version of the show, Crazy Horse finally agreed, saying that he will fight "until all Nez Perce is killed." But his words seem to be misinterpreted by half Tahitian seeker Frank Grouard, one who should not be confused with Fred Gerard, the other US cavalry scouts during the summer of 1876. Grouard reports that Mad Horse says that he will "go north and fight to the point there is a white man left. "When he was challenged for his interpretation, Grouard left the council. Another translator, William Garnett, was brought in but immediately noted the growing tension.

With the growing difficulties at the Red Cloud Agency, General George Crook was ordered to stop at Fort Robinson. An Oglala-led council was called, then canceled, when Crook was wrongly told that Crazy Horse had said the night before that he intended to kill the general during the trial. Crook ordered the arrest of Crazy Horse and then left, leaving the postal commander at Fort Robinson, Lieutenant Colonel Luther P. Bradley, to carry out his orders. Additional troops were brought from Fort Laramie. On the morning of 4 September 1877, two columns moved against the village of Crazy Horse, only to find that it had spread over the night. Crazy Horse has fled to the nearby Spotted Tail Agency with his wife, who fell ill with tuberculosis. After meeting with military officials at Camp Sheridan, adjacent military post, Crazy Horse agreed to return to Fort Robinson with Lieutenant Jesse M. Lee, Indian agent at Spotted Tail.

On the morning of September 5, 1877, Crazy Horse and Lieutenant Lee, accompanied by Touch the Clouds and a number of Indian scouts, departed for Fort Robinson. Arriving that night outside the adjutant's office, Lieutenant Lee was told that he would return the Mad Horse to the Today Officer. Lee protested and rushed to Bradley's place to debate the matter, but to no avail. Bradley has received orders that Crazy Horse will be arrested and taken under the shadow of darkness to the Division Headquarters. Lee turned the head of the Oglala war to Captain James Kennington, who was in charge of the postman, who accompanied the Mad Horse to the guardhouse. Once inside, Crazy Horse fought with the guard and Little Big Man and tried to escape. Outside the door, Crazy Horse was stabbed with a bayonet by one of the guard members. She was taken to the adjutant's office, where she was treated by a postal surgeon's assistant at the post, Dr. Valentine McGillycuddy, and died late at night.

The next morning, Crazy Horse's body was handed over to his elderly parents, who took him to Camp Sheridan and put him in a funeral crawler. The following month, when the Spotted Tail Agency was transferred to the Missouri River, Crazy Horse's parents moved the remains to an undisclosed location. There are at least four possible locations as noted on the state highway alert near Wounded Knee, South Dakota. His final resting place is still unknown.

Controversy over his death

Dr. McGillycuddy, who treated the Mad Horse after being stabbed, wrote that Mad Dogs "died around midnight." According to military records, he died before midnight, making it 5 September 1877.

John Gregory Bourke's memoir of his service in the Indian war, On the Border with Crook , explains the different story of Mad Dog death. He based his story on an interview with rival Crazy Horse, Little Big Man, who was present at the Crazy Horse capture and wounded. The interview lasted more than a year after the death of Crazy Horse. Little Big Man says that, when Crazy Horse is escorted to the guardhouse, he suddenly pulls two knives out from under his blanket and holds one in each hand. One knife was reportedly made from an army bayonet. Little Big Man, standing behind him, catching Crazy Horse with his elbows, pulling his arm behind him. As Crazy Horse struggles, Little Big Man loses his grip on one elbow, and Crazy Horse moves his blade deep into his lower back. The guard stabbed Crazy Horse with his bayonet behind. The head fell and gave in to the guard.

When Bourke inquired about the popular account of the first Mad Honey bayoneting guard, Little Big Man said that the guard had pushed with his bayonet, but the Mad Horse's struggle caused the guard's drive to disappear entirely and put his bayonet into the guard house. door. Little Big Man says that within a few hours immediately after Crazy Horse's hurt, the camp commander has suggested stories about the guards responsible for hiding the Little Big Man role in the death of Crazy Horse and avoiding retaliation between clans.

Little Big Man account is questionable; this is the only one of 17 eyewitness sources from Lakota, the US Army, and a blood mixed individual who failed to link the death of Crazy Horse with a soldier at the guardhouse. Author Thomas Powers cites various witnesses who say Crazy Horse was badly injured when his back was pierced by bayonet guards.

The identity of the soldier responsible for the bayoneting of Crazy Horse is also debatable. Only one eyewitness actually identified the soldier as Private William Warrior. Historian Walter M. Camp circulates copies of this account to present individuals who question the identity of the army and provide two additional names. To this day, identification remains questionable.

Owens on the Road: Crazy Horse Memorial
src: 3.bp.blogspot.com

Photo controversy

Most sources question whether Crazy Horse ever photographed. Dr. McGillycuddy doubted any pictures the warlord took. In 1908, Walter Camp wrote to the agent for Pine Ridge Reservations that inquired about the portrait. "I've never seen a picture of a Mad Horse," Agent Brennan replied, "I also can not find any of our Sioux here who remembered seeing his photograph The Mad Horse had left the enemy but a short time before he was killed and most likely he never have a photo taken from himself. "

In 1956, a small portrait of tintype supposedly from Crazy Horse was published by J. W. Vaughn in his book With Crook at the Rosebud . It belonged to the Baptiste family of Little Bat Garnier. Two decades later, the portrait was published with more details on how the photo was produced at Fort Robinson, although the book's editor "remains unsure of the authenticity of the photograph."

In the late 1990s, the original tintype was exhibited at the Custer Battlefield Museum in Garryowen, Montana. The museum says that it is the only true portrait of Crazy Horse. Historians continue to debate identification.

Experts argue that the tintype was taken a decade or two after 1877. The evidence includes individual clothing, hairplate hair pipe length and ascot tie), which is very similar to the Buffalo Bill Wild Buffalo outfit that was active from 1883 until the early 1900s. Other experts point out that the gradient lighting in the photo shows a portrait of studio skylights, common in large cities. In addition, no other photos with the same painted background have been found. Some photographers passed Fort Robinson and Red Cloud Agency in 1877 - including James H. Hamilton, Charles Howard, David Rodocker and possibly Daniel S. Mitchell - but no one used the background that appeared on the tintype. After the death of Crazy Horse, Private Charles Howard produced at least two pictures of the famous tomb of alleged famous warlord, located near Camp Sheridan, Nebraska.

10K Crazy Horse Volksmarch | Black Hills & Badlands - South Dakota
src: www.blackhillsbadlands.com


Even the most basic outline of his life shows how great he is, for he remains alone from the moment of his birth until his death; because [though] he has surrendered,... he has never been defeated in battle; because, even though he was killed, even the Army admitted he had never been arrested. His dislike of the approaching civilization is prophetic. Unlike many people around the world, when he meets a white man he is not diminished by the meeting.

In the author's view of Chris Hedges, "there are some opposition figures in the same American history as the Crazy Horse," adding that "his spirit violence remains a guiding light for all those who seek refuge."

In popular culture

  • In the movie Chief Crazy Horse (1955), directed by George Sherman, Crazy Horse is played by Victor Mature.
  • In the movie Crazy Horse (1995), Crazy Horse is played by Genuine American actor Michael Greyeyes.
  • The middle-class novel In Footsteps of Crazy Horse (2015) by Joseph Marshall, III tells the story of a young Lakota boy who learned about Crazy Horse from his grandfather.

Crazy Horse Memorial Foundation - Crazy Horse Memorial Foundation
src: crazyhorsememorial.org


Chief Crazy Horse Memorial (short june 2016 vid) - YouTube
src: i.ytimg.com

Further reading

  • Ambrose, Stephen E. Mad Horse and Custer: Parallel Life Two American Soldiers . 1975.
  • Bray, Kingsley M. . 2006. ISBNÃ, 0-8061-3785-1
  • Clark, Robert. Mad Horse Head Killings: Three Witnesses by Indian Eye, Indian Dog Dog Head, William Garnett White Doctor, Valentine McGillycuddy . 1988. ISBNÃ, 0-8032-6330-9
  • Marshall, Joseph M. III. Crazy Horse Trip: Lakota History . 2004.
  • Guttmacher, Peter and David W. Baird. Ed. Crazy Horse: Head of the Sioux War . New York Philadelphia: Chelsea House, 1994. 0-120. ISBNÃ, 0-7910-1712-5
  • McMurtry, Larry. Crazy Horse (Penguin Life) . Puffin Books. 1999. ISBNÃ, 0-670-88234-8
  • Pinn, Lionel Kitpu'se. Greengrass Pipe Dancers . 2000. ISBNÃ, 0-87961-250-9
  • Powers, Thomas. Mad Hill Killings . Random House, Inc. 2010. ISBNÃ, 978-0-375-41446-6.
  • Sandoz, Come. Crazy Horse, Strange Man from Oglalas, a biography . 1942. ISBNÃ, 0-8032-9211-2
  • "Mad Horse Debate: Is this Oglala Famous?" Whispering Wind Magazine , Vol 34 # 3, 2004. A discussion about Garryowen's photo impossibility is that of Crazy Horse (same photo is shown here). Clothes, studio settings all date photos 1890-1910.
  • Official Biography of Mad Horse and Their Families Part One: Creation, Spirituality, and Family Trees . DVD. William Matson and Mark Frethem, manufacturers. Documentary based on over 100 hours of footage footage of detailed interviews of oral history of the family and all Crazy Horse sites. The family has final approval on the final product. Reelcontact.com, 2006.
  • Official Biography of the Mad Horse and His Family Part Two: Defending the Country Before the Treaty of 1868 . DVD William Matson and Mark Frethem, Producer. Reel Contact Productions, 2007.
  • Russell Freedman, Live and Die of a Mad Horse . Holiday home. 1996. ISBNÃ, 978-0-8234-1219-8

Explore Crazy Horse Memorial - Today's Homepage
src: www.visitrapidcity.com

External links

  • The Last Day and Mortality of the Mad Horse
  • Biography of PBS Crazy Horse
  • Timeline from Crazy Horse's life
  • Trimble: Like what Crazy Horse ?, India Country Today
  • Ã, "Crazy Horse". Appletons' CyclopÃÆ'Â|dia of American Biography . 1900.
  • "Crazy Horse". Oglala (Lakota) Sioux Indian War Leader . Discover the Tombs. April 16, 1999 . Retrieved November 26, 2012 .

Source of the article : Wikipedia
