The first season of the television series Got to Believe premiered in the Philippines on August 26, 2013 with an audience share of 34% as reported in Kantar Media Nationwide TV Ratings. It officially ended on January 21, 2014 and contained 107 episodes which include a shortened telecast on September 27 due to technical difficulties.
The show is consistent on utilizing the micro-blogging site Twitter as one of its contributing writer dutifully sends the official hashtag for each day which is also the episode title appearing at the intertitle before a commercial break. Some notable hashtags were #G2BDanceWithMe for the November 26 telecast and #G2BUntilThen, the season ender episode which left the audience with a heartbreaking climax.
Video Got to Believe (season 1)
Series overview and Ratings
Maps Got to Believe (season 1)
August 2013
September 2013
October 2013
November 2013
December 2013
January 2014
Source of the article : Wikipedia