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An angel is generally a supernatural being found in various religions and mythologies. In the Abrahamic and Zoroastrian faiths, angels are often portrayed as a kindly heavenly being who acts as an intermediary between God or Heaven and Humanity. Other roles of angels include protecting and guiding humans, and carrying out God's duties. In the Abrahamic religions, angels are often organized into hierarchies, although such rankings may vary between sects in each religion, and are given a specific name or title, such as Gabriel or the "Destructive Angel." The term "angel" has also been extended to various senses of spirits or figures found in other religious traditions. Theological study of angels is known as "angelology". The angels who were cast out of Heaven are called fallen angels.

In art, angels are usually depicted as having an extraordinarily beautiful human form; they are often identified using the symbols of bird wings, halos, and light.

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The word angel in English is a mixture of Old English engel (with hard g ) and Old French angele . Both are from the Latin Late Latin angelus "messenger", which in turn borrowed from the Greek Final ??????? aggelos , usually transliterated by a non-Greek speaker in its phonetic form ÃÆ'¡ngelos . According to RSP Beekes, ÃÆ'¡ngelos itself may be "Oriental lending, such as ??????? [ ÃÆ'¡ngaros , 'Persian installed courier']." The earliest of these words is Mycenaean a-to-ro , evidenced in the Linear B. script script

The ÃÆ'¡ngelos is the Septuagint default translation of the Hebrew biblical term mal '? Kh , which shows only "messenger" without specifying its nature. In the Latin Vulgate, it means to be branched: when mal '? Kh or ÃÆ'¡ngelos should show human messengers, words like nuntius or legatus apply. If the word refers to a supernatural being, the word appears. Such differentiation has been taken over by later Bible translations, early Christian and Jewish commentators, and finally modern scholars.

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In Zoroastrianism there are different angelic figures. For example, everyone has one guardian angel, called Fravashi. They humiliate humans and other creatures, and also manifest the energy of God. The Amesha Spentas are often regarded as angels, although there is no direct reference to them conveying the message, but rather an emanation of Ahura Mazda ("Wise Lord", God); they originally appeared abstractly and then became personal, related to various aspects of divine creation.

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In the comments of Proclus (4th century, under Christian rule) of Timaeus of Plato, Proclus uses the terminology of "angels" ( aggelikos ) and "angels" ( aggelos ) in relation to metaphysical beings. According to Aristotle, just as there is a Prime Mover, so too, there must be a secondary spiritual drive.

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Abrahamic religions


The Torah uses the term (Hebrew) ???? ????? ( mal '? k?'? l? hÃÆ'®m ; messenger of God), ???? ???? ( mal '? k? YHWH ; messenger of God), ??? ????? ( b? n? '? l? hÃÆ'®m ; children of God) and ??????? ( haqqÃÆ''d ??? ÃÆ'®m ; holy) to refer to creatures that are traditionally interpreted as angels. Subsequent texts use other terms, such as ???????? ( h? 'elyÃÆ'Â'nÃÆ'®m ; above).

The term ???? ( mall '? K? ) is also used in other books from Tanakh. Depending on the context, the Hebrew word may refer to human messenger or supernatural messenger. A human messenger may be a prophet or priest, like Malachi, "my messenger"; The Greek word in the Septuagint translation states that the Malachi Book was written "by the hands of his messenger" ??????? angÃÆ' Â © lu . Examples of supernatural messengers are the "Malth YHWH," who are either as messengers from God, aspects of God (such as Logos), or God Himself as messenger ("theophanic angel.")

Scholar Michael D. Coogan notes that only in the final books that the term "is defined as a kindly, divine semi-divine being familiar from future mythology and art." Daniel is the first biblical figure to refer to the angel of an individual by name, mentions Gabriel (God's chief messenger) in Daniel 9:21 and Michael (holy warrior) in Daniel 10:13. These angels are part of Daniel's apocalyptic vision and are an important part of all apocalyptic literature.

In Daniel 7, Daniel received the visions of God. [...] As Daniel reviews, the Ancient of Days sits on the throne of heaven and sits in court in the midst of a heavenly court [...] an [angel] like a human son approaches the Ancient One in the clouds of heaven and is given eternal kingdom.

Coogan explains the development of this angelic concept: "In the postexilic period, with the development of explicit monotheism, these divine beings - the 'sons of God' who are members of the Divine Council - are essentially descended into what is now known as 'the angels', understood as creature created by God, but immortal and thus superior to humans. "This conception of the angel is best understood compared to the devil and is often regarded as" influenced by the ancient Persian religious tradition of Zoroastrianism, which sees the world as a battlefield between the power of kindness and power evil, between light and darkness. " One is h ????? n , a figure depicted in (among other places) of the Book of Job.

Philo of Alexandria identified the angel with the Logos as far as the angel was the immaterial voice of God. Angels are something different from God himself, but are understood as God's instruments.

In post-biblical Judaism, certain angels take on certain significance and develop unique personalities and roles. Although these angels are believed to be among the heavenly hosts, no systematic hierarchy has ever been developed. Metatron is considered one of the highest angels in the mysticism of Merkabah and Kabbalis and often functions as a scribe; he is briefly mentioned in the Talmud and figures in Mercaba mystical texts. Michael, who serves as a fighter and advocate for Israel (Daniel 10:13), is considered very dear. Gabriel is mentioned in the Book of Daniel (Daniel 8: 15-17) and briefly in the Talmud, also in many mystical texts of the Merkabah. There is no evidence in Judaism for the worship of angels, but there is evidence for prayer and sometimes even angelic magic.

According to Kabbalah, there are four worlds and our world is the last world: the world of action (Assiyah). Angels are in the world above as 'duties' of God. They are an extension of God to produce an effect in this world. After the angel completes his task, he stops there. The angel is doing his job. It comes from the book of Genesis when Abraham met the three angels and Lot met the two. The task of one of the angels is to tell Abraham about his future son. The other two are to save Lot and destroy Sodom and Gomorrah.

The Jewish philosopher Maimonides explains his view of the angel in his book The Guide to the Confused II: 4 and II

... This caused Aristotle in turn to show the fact that God, glory and majesty to Him, did not do things through direct contact. God burns things with fire; fire is moved by ball movement; the ball is driven by a mindless intellect, this intellect becomes an 'angel close to him', through which the mediation of the moving spheres... thus a totally mindless mind exists of God and is the mediator between God and all corpses [here] here in this world.

Maimonides has a neo-Aristotelian interpretation of the Bible. Maimonides writes that for the sage, one sees that what the Bible and Talmud call the "angels" is actually an allusion to the various laws of nature; they are the principles used by the physical universe.

For all power is an angel! How blind, how bad is the blind man naive ?! If you say to someone who claims to be an Israeli sage that God sends an angel who enters a woman's womb and there forms an embryo, she will think this is a miracle and accept it as a sign of God's majesty and power, Despite the fact that she believes an angel to be body of fire one-third the size of the whole world. All this, he says, is possible for God. But if you tell him that God puts in the sperm the power of formation and demarcation of these organs, and that this is an angel, or that all forms are produced by the Active Intellect; that here is the angel, the "vice-regent of the world" always mentioned by the sages, then he will retreat. - Guide to the Confused II: 4

Hierarchy of Jewish angels

Maimonides, in his book Yad ha-Chazakah: Yesodei ha-Torah, counts ten angels in the Jewish hierarchy of angels, beginning from the highest:

Individual angels

From Jewish Encyclopedia , the entry "Angelology".

  • Michael (archangel) Who is like God? ), the goodness of God, and defending the human children
  • Gabriel (archangel) God is my strength ), doing justice and strength

(Only two of these angels are named in the Hebrew Bible; the rest comes from the extra biblical tradition.)

  • Jophiel (translated: God's Beauty ), expelling Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden holds a blazing sword and punishes those who break God.
  • Raphael (archangel) This is God who heals ), the healing power of God
  • Uriel (archangel) (God is my light ), leads us to destiny
  • Samael (archangel) Venom of God , the angel of death - see also Malach HaMavet ( the angel of death )
  • Sandalphon (archangel) ), Samael's battle and unites humanity


The next Christians inherited the understanding of the angels by the Jews, who in turn were partly inherited from the Egyptians. In the early stages, the Christian concept of angels marks angels as messengers of God. Later came the identification of individual angel messengers: Gabriel, Michael, Raphael, and Uriel. Then, in less than two centuries (from the 3rd to 5th centuries) the image of angels takes on definite characteristics both in theology and in the arts.

According to St. Augustine, "'Angel' is the name of their office, not of their nature.If you are looking for the name of their nature, it is 'spirit': if you search for their office name, it is 'angel': from what they are, ', from what they do,' angels'. "Basilian Father Thomas Rosica says," Angels are very important, because they give people with the articulation of the belief that God is intimately involved in human life. "

At the end of the 4th century, the Fathers agreed that there were various categories of angels, with the mission and the proper activities assigned to them. But there are some disagreements about the nature of angels. Some argue that angels have physical bodies, while others claim they are fully spiritual. Some theologians have proposed that angels are not divine but at the level of the immaterial being under the Trinity. The resolution of this triumphant dispute includes the development of the doctrine of angels.

Angels are represented throughout the Christian Bible as spiritual beings who are in the midst of God and man: "You have made him [man] a little less than the angels..." (Psalms 8: 4-5). Christians believe that angels are created creatures, based on (Psalm 148: 2-5, Colossians 1:16): "Praise Him, all his angels: praise Him, all of Him... for He speaks and they are made. He ordered and they were created... ". The Forty Gospels Homilies by Pope Gregory I recorded angels and angels. The Fourth Lateran Council (1215) states that angels are creatures created. The Council's Decree The credimensional firmmail (issued against the Albigenses) states that the two angels were created and that humans were created after them. The First Vatican Council (1869) repeated this declaration in Dei Filius , "Dogmatic Constitution on the Catholic faith".

Thomas Aquinas (the thirteenth century) links the angels with Aristotle's metaphysics in his book Summa contra Gentiles Summa Theologica and in the separatist substance, a treatise on angelology. Although angels have greater knowledge than men, they are not omniscient, as Matthew 24:36 says.

Interactions with angels

The New Testament includes many interactions and conversations between angels and humans. For example, three separate angelic interaction cases are related to the birth of John the Baptist and Jesus Christ. In Luke 1:11, an angel appeared to Zacharias to tell him that he would have a child even though he was old, thus proclaiming the birth of John the Baptist. In Luke 1:26, the Angel Gabriel visits the Virgin Mary in the Annunciation to prophesy the birth of Jesus Christ. The angels then declared the birth of Jesus in the Adoration of the shepherds in Luke 2:10.

According to Matthew 4:11, after Jesus spent 40 days in the wilderness, "... the devil left him and, behold, the angel came and served him." In Luke 22:43 an angel comforted Jesus Christ during the Passion in the Garden. In Matthew 28: 5 the angels speak in the empty tomb, following the Resurrection of Jesus and the overthrow of the stone by the angels.

In 1851 Pope Pius IX approved the Chaplet of Saint Michael based on 1751 reports of personal disclosure of the angel Michael to Carmelite nun Antonia d'Astonac. In a biography of Saint Gemma Galgani written by Venerable Germanus Ruoppolo, Galgani states that he has spoken with his guardian angel.

Pope John Paul II emphasized the role of angel in Catholic teaching in his 1986 speech entitled " Angels Participating in the History of Salvation", in which he suggested that the modern mentality should see the importance of angels.

According to the Vatican Congregation for Divine Worship and Discipline of the Sacraments, "The practice of naming the Holy Angels should be obstructed, except in the case of Gabriel, Raphael and Michael whose names are listed in Scripture."

New Church

In the New Church, extensive information is given about the angels and the spiritual world in which they live from the many years of spiritual experience recounted in the writings of Emanuel Swedenborg. All angels are in human form with spiritual body, and not just mind without form. There are several different orders of angels according to the three heavens, and every angel dwells in one of innumerable angelic societies. Such angelic society can appear as an angel as a whole.

All angels belong to the human race, and no single angel in heaven first does not live in a material body. In addition, all the dead children not only enter paradise but eventually become angels. The life of angels is its use, and its function so much that it can not be mentioned. But every angel will enter service according to the use they do in their earthly life. The names of angels, such as Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael, signify the function of certain angels and not individuals.

When living in a person's body, an individual has a relationship with heaven through angels, and with everyone, there are at least two evil spirits and two angels. Temptation or pain of conscience comes from the conflict between evil spirits and angels. Because of the sinful nature of man, it is dangerous to have direct communication open with the angels and can only be seen when one's spiritual outlook has been opened. So from moment to moment, angels try to lead everyone to a good thing secretly using the person's own mind.

Latter-day Saints

Believers of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church) view the angels as God's messengers. They are sent to humanity to convey the message, to serve the human race, to teach the doctrine of salvation, to call mankind to repentance, to give priesthood keys, to save people in dangerous times, and to guide mankind.

Latter-day Saints believe that angels are dead or unborn human spirits, or humans who have been raised or translated and have the physical body of flesh and bone, and hence Joseph Smith taught that "there is no angel serving the earth but those who belong to or possess. "Thus, Latter-day Saints also believe that Adam, the first man, is and now is the angel of Michael, and that Gabriel lives on earth as Noah. Similarly, the Angel of Moroni first lived in pre-Columbian American civilization as the fifth-century prophets named Moroni.

Joseph Smith, Jr. describes his first angel encounter as follows:

"While I was so in the act of calling on the Lord, I found a light appearing in my room, which kept rising until the room was brighter than in the daytime, when immediately a figure appeared beside my bed, standing in the air, to his feet not touching floor.

She was wearing a beautifully loose robe. It is white beyond anything I've seen in the world; I also do not believe that every earthly thing can be made to look very white and brilliant...

Not only was his robe very white, but his whole noble personality went beyond description, and his expression was really like lightning. The room was very bright, but not as bright as around the person. When I first looked at it, I was afraid; but the fear soon left me. "

Most of the angel visits in the early Latter-day Saints movement were witnessed by Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery, both of whom claimed (before the founding of the church in 1830) had been visited by prophets Moroni, John the Baptist, and the apostles Peter, James, and John. Later, after the dedication of the Kirtland Temple, Smith and Cowdery claimed to have been visited by Jesus, and then by Moses, Elias, and Elijah.

People who claim to have received visits by angels include two others from Three Witnesses: David Whitmer and Martin Harris. Many other Latter-day Saints, both in early and modern churches, have claimed to have seen angels, though Smith suggests that, except in special circumstances such as restoration, mortal beings teach mortal beings, spirits teach spirit, and resurrected beings teach the resurrected beings others..


Angels (Arabic: ?????? ? Mal ?? ikah ) mentioned a lot times in the Qur'an and Hadith. Islam is evident in the nature of angels because they are the messengers of God. They are often entrusted with special duties by God to perform as test individuals by giving them abundant wealth and healing their illness. Although believing in angels remains one of the six Articles of Faith in Islam, one can not find dogmatic angelology in the Islamic tradition. Nevertheless, scholars have discussed the role of angels from certain canonical events, such as the Mi'raj, and the Qu'ranic verses. Even if they are not in focus, they have been featured in folklore, philosophical debates and systematic theology. While in classical Islam, widespread understanding is accepted as a canonical, there is a tendency in contemporary science to reject much material about angels, such as summoning the Angel of Death with the name Azra'il

Believing in angels is one of the six Articles of Faith in Islam.

Some examples of angels in Islam:

  • Jibrail: Gabriel's angel (Jibra'il or Gabriel) is an angel serving as messenger from God.
  • Michael (archangel): or Michael , the angel of nature.
  • Israfil (Arabic: ??????? ?, translit.Ã, Israfel , Israfel is the angel of the Trumpet in Islam, though not named in the Koran. Jibrail and Izra'il, he is one of the four Islamic angels, Israfil will blow trumpets from the holy stones in Jerusalem to announce the Day of Resurrection.
  • Azrael is Azraa-eel ??????? or Izrail : The Angel of Death. Bring the deceased soul away from the body.
  • Darda'il: the angels who travel on earth are looking for assemblies where people remember the name of God.
  • Calibration: two angels who record the good and bad deeds of a person.
  • Mu'aqqibat: guardian class of guardians who keep people from death to a specified time.
  • Munkar and Nakir: the angels who test the faith of the dead in their graves. They ask the soul of the dead person's question. If the person fails to answer the question, the angels make that person suffer until Judgment Day. If the soul passes through the question, he will have a pleasant time at the grave until the Day of Judgment.
  • Ridwan: the angel in charge of maintaining Jannah or Heaven.
  • Maalik: the angel who save or the keeper of hell fire.
  • Harut and Marut (Arabic: ????? ?????? ?) are the two angels mentioned in the second letter of Al The Qur'an, which was sent to test the people of Babylon or Babylon by performing magic. (Sura Al-Baqara, verse 102). The Qur'an shows that although they warned the Babylonians not to imitate them or to do what they did, some of their audience members failed to obey and become witches, thus damaging their own souls.
  • /h3>

    In his book Book of Certitude BahÃÆ'¡'u'llÃÆ'¡h, founder of BahÃÆ'¡'ÃÆ' Faith, describes angels as "consumed, with the fire of God's love, all human characteristics and limitations" , and has "dressed itself" with the attributes of angels and has become "endowed with spiritual attributes". 'Abdu'l-BahÃÆ'¡ describes an angel as "the confirmation of God and His heavenly power" and as "a blessed being who has severed all ties to the underworld" and "has been released from the chains", and "the exponent of God's abundant grace ". The writings of Bahá¡'A also refer to the Concourse on High, the host of angels, and the vision of the Helper of the Paradise of Bahà £ ¡'u'llÃÆ'¡h.

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    The poetry of the Sikh scriptures - Sri Guru Granth Sahib - figuratively mentions a messenger or angel of death, sometimes as Yam (?? - "Yam") and sometimes as Azrael (??????? - "Ajraeel "):

    ?? ?????? ? ??? ?? ????? ??? ?????
    The Messenger of Death will not touch you; in this way, you will cross a sea of ​​frightening worlds, bringing others with you.
    - Sri Guru Granth Sahib, Siree Raag, First Mehl, p. 22.
    ??????? ???? ???? ???? ???? ?????
    Azraa-eel, Messenger of Death, is a friend of man who has your support, God.
    - Sri Guru Granth Sahib, Tilang, Fifth Mehl, Third House, p. 724.

    In the same vein, Sri Guru Granth Sahib talks about the figurative Chitar (?????) and Gupat (?????):

    ????? ????? ?? ????? ???? ?
    ??? ??? ?? ??????? ? ????
    Chitar and Gupat, the unconscious and unconscious note-makers, wrote the stories of all mortal beings,/but they could not even see the low worshipers of God.
    - Sri Guru Granth Sahib, Aasaa, Mehl Kelima, Panch-Pada, p. 393.

    However, Sikhism has never had a literal system of angels, preferring guidance without explicit attraction to command or supernatural beings.

    Your Personalized Message From The Angels (March 5 - 11, 2018)
    src: media.numerologist.com


    Hermetic Qabalah

    According to the Kabbalah as described by the Golden Dawn, there are ten angelic angels, each leading one of the choir of angels and corresponding to one of Sephirot. This is similar to the hierarchy of Jewish angels.


    In the teachings of Theosophical Society, the Gods are thought to be living in the atmosphere of the solar planets ( Planet Angels ) or in the Sun ( Solar Angels ) and they helps guide the operation of natural processes such as evolution and plant growth; Their appearance is supposedly a colored fire about human size. It is believed by Theosophists that the gods can be observed when the third eye is activated. Some (but not most) gods were originally incarnate as human beings.

    It is believed by Theosophists that natural, elemental spirits (gnome, undines, sylphs, and salamanders), and fairies can also be observed when the third eye is activated. It is maintained by Theosophists that this less evolutionary creature has never been incarnate as a human being; they are perceived to be on a separate spiritual evolution line called "deva evolution"; finally, when their souls come forward when they are reincarnated, it is believed they will be incarnate as gods.

    It is affirmed by Theosophists that all the above-mentioned beings have an etheric body composed of etheric material, a kind of finer, purer material composed of particles smaller than ordinary matter.

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    Brahma Kumaris

    Brahma Kumaris uses the term "angels" to refer to the perfect human condition, or complete, which they believe can be achieved through a relationship with God.

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    In art

    In a lecture during the General Hearing of August 6, 1986, entitled "Angels participate in the history of salvation", Pope John Paul II explains that "[T] angels do not have 'bodies' (even if, under certain circumstances, they express themselves in seen because of their mission for the good of people). "Yet angels are often depicted in paintings and sculptures as male men. Christian art may reflect the description in Revelation 4: 6-8 of the Four Living Beings (Greek: ????????????????????????????????????????????????? cherubim and seraphim (chayot in the vision of Ezekiel and Seraphim's Mercury of Isaiah). However, while cherubim and seraphim have wings in the Bible, no angel has wings.

    The earliest Christian image was known as the angel - at Cubicolo dell'Annunziazione in the Catacomb of Priscilla (mid-3rd century) - without wings. In the same period, angelic representations of sarcophagi, lights and relics also show them without wings, such as angels in the Isaac Sacrifice scene at Sarcophagus from Junius Bassus (though the side view of Sarcophagus shows a winged angel figure).

    The earliest angelic representation known as the wing is in the "Prince's Sarcophagus", which is associated with the time of Theodosius I (379-395), was found in SarigÃÆ'¼zel, near Istanbul, in the 1930s. From that period, Christian art has represented most angels with wings, as in the mosaic cycle at the Basilica of Saint Mary Major (432-440). Four and six winged angels, drawn from higher levels of angels (especially cherubim and seraphim) and often only show their faces and wings, are from Persian art and are usually represented only in a heavenly context, rather than performing tasks on earth. They often appear in the support of the dome of the church or semi-domes. Before the Judeo-Christian tradition, in the Greek world the goddess Nike and the gods Eros and Thanatos were also depicted in human-like form with wings.

    St. John Chrysostom explains the importance of the angel's wings:

    They embody the majesty of nature. That is why Gabriel is represented with wings. Instead angels have wings, but you may know that they leave the highest altitude and residence to approach human nature. Thus, the wings associated with these forces have no other meaning than to show their natural majesty.

    Angels are usually depicted in Mormon art as having no wings based on a quote from Joseph Smith ("The angel of God never has wings").

    In terms of their clothing, the angels, especially Archangel Michael, are portrayed as God's military style agents and come to be shown in the Antic Late military uniform. This uniform can be a normal military outfit, with tunics for about the knee, armor armor and pteruges, but often a special outfit of the Byzantine Emperor's bodyguards, with long tunics and loros, long gold and pallium gems are limited to the Imperial family and their nearby guard.

    The basic military gown is shown in Western art to the Baroque period and beyond (see picture of Reni above), and to this day on the Eastern Orthodox icon. Other angels came to be described conventionally with long robes, and in the Middle Ages they then often wore the robes of a deacon, overcoming dalmmatika. This costume is used primarily for Gabriel in the Annunciation scene - eg Annunciation in Washington by Jan van Eyck.

    Some types of angels are described as having more unusual or frightening attributes, such as the fiery Seraphim body, and the wheel-like structure of Ophanim.

    Angel Falls Facts and Information - Angel Falls Venezuela
    src: www.beautifulworld.com

    See also

    src: ameliabert.com


    ANGEL TANA - www.TheRainbowScribe.com
    src: www.stpaulsteinbach.org

    Further reading

    External links

    • Coptic Doxology from Hevenly Order
    • Zoroastrian angels
    • Jewish Encyclopedess entries about angels
    • Angels in Islam
    • the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments. The Directory of Popular Piety and Liturgy , Ã,§Ã,§ 212-217, "The Holy Angels , Vatican City, December 2001
    • Angels, BBC Radio 4 discussion with Martin Palmer, Valery Rees & amp; John Haldane ( In Our Time , 24 March 2005)

    Source of the article : Wikipedia
