Batman is a 1989 American superhero film directed by Tim Burton and produced by Jon Peters and Peter Guber, based on DC Comics characters of the same name. This is the first installment of Warner Bros. 'the beginning of the film series Batman . Movie stars Michael Keaton as Bruce Wayne/Batman and Jack Nicholson as Joker, alongside Kim Basinger, Robert Wuhl, Pat Hingle, Billy Dee Williams, Michael Gough and Jack Palance. The film takes place early in the war of the title character on crime, and portrays a battle with its arch enemy Joker.
After Burton was hired as a director in 1986, Steve Englehart and Julie Hickson wrote film care before Sam Hamm wrote the first scenario. Batman was not illuminated until after the success of Burton's Beetlejuice (1988). Many A-list actors were considered for Batman's role before Keaton was cast. Keaton casting caused controversy since, in 1988, he became a typecast as a comedic actor and many observers doubted he could portray a serious role. Nicholson accepts the Joker role in tight conditions that dictate high salaries, partly from box office profits and shooting schedules.
The tone and theme of the film was influenced in part by Alan Moore and Brian Bolland The Killing Joke and Frank Miller The Dark Knight Returns . The film primarily adapts the origin of "Red Hood" to Joker, in which Batman created the Joker by dropping it into Axis Chemical acid, resulting in his transformation into a psychopath, but he adds a unique touch in bringing it specifically as a gangster. named Jack Napier. Filming took place at Pinewood Studios from October 1988 to January 1989. The budget increased from $ 30 million to $ 48 million, while the 1988 Writers' lawsuit from the United States forced Hamm to stop. Warren Skaaren did a rewrite. The additional uncredited draft was done by Charles McKeown and Jonathan Gems.
Batman is an important and financial success, generating over $ 400 million in total box office. It was the fifth best-selling film in history at the time of its release. The film received several Saturn Award nominations and a Golden Globe nomination, and won an Academy Award. It also inspires the same success, Batman: The Animated Series, paving the way for the DC animation world, and has influenced the modern Hollywood marketing and development techniques of the superhero movie genre. Three sequels, Batman Returns , Batman Forever and Batman & amp; Robin , was released on June 19, 1992, June 16, 1995, and June 20, 1997, respectively.
Video Batman (1989 film)
When Gotham City approached two centuries, Mayor Borg ordered Harvey Dent district attorney and police commissioner James Gordon to make the city safer. Meanwhile, reporter Alexander Knox and photojournalist Vicki Vale began to investigate the rumors of an explorer dubbed "Batman" who targeted city criminals.
Alter ego Batman is Bruce Wayne, a billionaire industrialist who, as a child, witnessed the murder of his parents in the hands of a psychotic robber. At a two-century fundraiser at Wayne Manor, Bruce meets and falls in love with Vale, and the two begin a romantic relationship. However, the night was cut short because Bruce was notified for Gordon's sudden departure of Commissioner because of the police business and went on to investigate as Batman.
Carl Grissom's mafia boss, who had been the target of Dent, found his lover Alicia engaged with the second Jack Napier. With the help of a corrupt police lieutenant, Max Eckhardt, a Grissom engineer, Napier's death in an attack on Axis Chemicals. However, Grissom's plan was thwarted by the sudden arrival of Commissioner Gordon, who wanted Napier captured alive. In the ensuing shootout, Napier, who has realized that he was founded, killed Eckhardt. Batman arrived and, in the struggle, Napier was beaten into the barrel of chemicals. Runaway Batman and Napier are considered dead.
Napier emerges from the barrel, but is left damaged by lime-white skin, emerald green hair, and a rictus smile. The Napier sociopathic was driven crazy by the incident and started calling himself "the Joker". He killed Grissom and seized power over his criminal empire, and Alicia's scar to match his destruction.
Joker terrorized Gotham City by replacing it with a hygiene product with "Smilex", a deadly chemical that caused the dead to laugh with the same crazy smile as the Joker. As he seeks information about Batman, Joker also becomes obsessed with Vale. He lured him to the Gotham Art Museum and his men destroyed the artwork. Batman arrives and rescues him. They escape in the Batmobile, chased by the Joker guys. Batman brings Vicki to Batcave, where he provides his information from his research on Smilex that will allow the townspeople to avoid exposure to toxins.
Bruce visits Vicki in his apartment, preparing to tell him about his alters. Joker interrupts their meeting, asks Bruce, "Have you ever danced with the devil in the pale moonlight?" before shooting him. Bruce used a bundled serving tray as a body armor and died. He remembers that the robbers who killed his parents asked the same question, and realized that Napier was his parents' killer. Vicki is brought to Batcave by Bruce's butler, Alfred Pennyworth, who has persuaded their relationship because Vicki brings out Bruce's human side. After telling him that he could not focus on their relationship with the Joker who terrorized Gotham, Bruce left as Batman to destroy the Axis factory. Meanwhile, Joker entices Gotham citizens to a parade with the promise of free money, but while throwing cash in the crowd as promised, it also attacks them with Smilex gas being ejected from a giant parade balloon. Batman arrives and pulls the balloon over the cloud with Batwing. The Joker fired Batwing using a long-barreled weapon, causing it to fall, and carrying Vicki to the top of a cathedral.
Batman, who survived the accident, fended off the remaining Joker guy even though he was injured, and faced the Joker. Both struggles, with the Joker finally getting the upper hand, leaving Batman and Vicki clinging to the outcropping. The Joker tries to escape by helicopter, but Batman attaches a heavy granite gargoyle to the Joker's leg with a grappling hook, causing him to lose his grip and fall to his death after it is broken.
Commissioner Gordon announced that the police had arrested the Joker man and exposed the Bat-Signal. Harvey Dent reads a note from Batman, promising that he will defend Gotham every time the crime happens again. Vicki was taken to Wayne Manor by Alfred, who told him that Bruce would be a little late. He replied that he was not surprised, because Batman saw the signal projection, stood watching the city.
Maps Batman (1989 film)
In the late 1970s, Batman's popularity faded. CBS is interested in producing the film Batman in Outer Space. Producer Benjamin Melniker and Michael E. Uslan purchased the Batman film rights from DC Comics on October 3, 1979. It was Uslan's wish "to make the definitive, dark, serious, version of Batman the way Bob Kane and Bill Finger dreamed of it in 1939. The creatures of the night, trailing criminals in the shadows. "Richard Maibaum was approached to write a script with Guy Hamilton to direct, but both refused the offer. Uslan did not succeed by throwing Batman into various movie studios because they wanted the movie to be similar to the 1960s TV series. Columbia Pictures and United Artists are among those who reject the film.
A disillusioned Uslan then wrote a script titled Return of the Batman to give the film industry a better idea of ââhis vision for the film. Uslan then compared his dark tone with the color of The Dark Knight Returns , whose script was pre-dated by six years. In November 1979, producers Jon Peters and Peter Guber joined the project. Melniker and Uslan became executive producers. The four felt the best for the subsequent pattern of film development from Superman (1978). Uslan, Melniker and Guber installed Batman into Universal Pictures, but the studio rejected it. Although no movie studios were involved, the project was publicly announced at a budget of $ 15 million in July 1980 at the Comic Art Convention in New York. Warner Bros, the studio behind the successful Superman movie franchise, decided to also accept and produce Batman .
Tom Mankiewicz completed the script titled The Batman in June 1983, focusing on the origins of Batman and Dick Grayson, with Joker and Rupert Thorne as villains, and Silver St. Cloud as a romantic interest. Mankiewicz takes inspiration from the limited series of Batman: Strange Apparitions, written by Steve Englehart. The comic book artist Marshall Rogers, who worked with Englehart in Strange Apparitions, was hired for the art of concept. The Batman was later announced at the end of 1983 for a mid-1985 release date with a budget of $ 20 million. Initially, Mankiewicz wanted unknown actors for Batman, William Holden for James Gordon, David Niven as Alfred Pennyworth, and Peter O'Toole as Penguin, who Mankiewicz wanted to portray as a mafia with low body temperatures. Holden died in 1981 and Niven in 1983, so this will never happen. A number of filmmakers attached to the Mankiewicz script, including Ivan Reitman and Joe Dante. Reitman wants to dump Bill Murray as Batman and Eddie Murphy as Robin. Nine rewrites were performed by nine separate authors. Most of them are based on Strange Appearance . However, it is the Mankiewicz script that is still used to guide the project.
After the financial success of the Great Pee-wee Adventure (1985), Warner Bros. hired Tim Burton to drive Batman . Burton then girlfriend Julie Hickson wrote a new 30 page movie treatment, feeling the previous script by Mankiewicz is campy. The success of The Dark Knight Returns and Batman: The Killing Joke revives Warner Bros.. interest in film adaptation. Burton was not originally a fan of comic books, but he was impressed by the dark and serious tone found on both The Dark Knight Returns and The Killing Joke. Warner Bros. asked Englehart's help to write a new treatment in March 1986. Like the Mankiewicz manuscript, it was based on his own peculiar Appearance , and included Silver St. Cloud, Dick Grayson, Joker and Rupert Thorne, as well as a cameo appearance by Penguin. Warner Bros was impressed, but Englehart felt there was too much character. He removed Penguin and Dick Grayson in second treatment, finishing in May 1986.
Burton approached Sam Hamm, a comic book fan, to write a screenplay. Hamm decided not to use the origin story, feeling that the flashback would be more suitable and that "unlocking the mystery" would be part of the storyline. He reasoned, "You really destroy your credibility if you show the literal process that Bruce Wayne became Batman." Hamm replaces Silver St. Cloud with Vicki Vale and Rupert Thorne with her own creation, Carl Grissom. He completed his script in October 1986, which lowered Dick Grayson into a cameo rather than a supporting character. One scene in the Hamm script has a young James Gordon on duty on the night of Bruce Wayne's parents murder. When the Hamm manuscript was rewritten, the scene was removed, reduced it to a photo in the Gotham Globe newspaper seen in the movie.
Warner Bros. less willing to move forward in development, despite their enthusiasm for the Hamm script, which Batman co-creator Bob Kane greeted with positive feedback. The Hamm script was then booted at various comic book stores in the United States. Batman was finally given the go-ahead to start pre-production in April 1988, following the success of Burton's Beetlejuice (1988). When comic book fans find out about Burton who directs the film with Michael Keaton starring the lead role, the controversy arises above the tone and the direction of Batman is underway. Hamm explains: "They heard Tim Burton's name and they thought of Pee-wee's Big Adventure." They heard the name Keaton and they thought of Michael Keaton comedies.You think about the 1960s version Batman i>, and it's the complete opposite of our movie We're trying to market it with a distinctly dark and serious tone, but the fans do not trust us. "To combat the negative report on film production, Kane was hired as a creative consultant.
In line with Superman's casting, whom top Hollywood stars are considered for Batman's role, including Mel Gibson, Kevin Costner, Charlie Sheen, Tom Selleck, Bill Murray, Harrison Ford and Dennis Quaid. Burton pressed by Warner Bros. to give the movie star a clear action, and has approached Pierce Brosnan, but he is not interested in playing comic book characters. Burton was initially interested in casting unknown actors, and offered Ray Liotta a chance to audition after finishing Something Wild, but Liotta refused, a decision he regretted. Willem Dafoe, who was reportedly mistakenly considered for the Joker, has actually been considered for Batman at the start of development. Producer Jon Peters suggested Michael Keaton, arguing he had "good quality, tormented" after seeing his dramatic performance at Clean and Sober. After directing Keaton on Beetlejuice , Burton agrees.
The Keaton checks caused controversy among comic book fans, with 50,000 protest letters sent to Warner Bros. offices. Bob Kane, Sam Hamm and Michael Uslan are also highly questioned casting. "Obviously there is a negative response from comic book people I think they think we will make it like a 1960s TV series, and make it campy, because they think of Michael Keaton from Mr. Mom and > Night Shift and things like that. "Keaton studied The Dark Knight Returns for inspiration.
Brad Dourif, Tim Curry, David Bowie, John Lithgow, and James Woods are regarded as Joker. Lithgow, during his audition, attempted to speak Burton out of his casting, a decision he would later publicly regret, stating, "I did not realize it was a big deal". Burton wanted to throw Brad Dourif, but the studio refused. Robin Williams lobbied hard for that part. Jack Nicholson has been the choice of producers Michael Uslan and Bob Kane since 1980. Peters approached Nicholson since 1986, while filming The Witches of Eastwick. Nicholson has what is known as an "off-the-clock" agreement. His contract mentions the number of hours he has for every day off, from the moment he leaves the set to the time he reports back for filming, and also goes for the Los Angeles Lakers home game. Nicholson demanded that all his scenes be recorded in a three-week block, but the timetable became 106 days. He received a salary of $ 6 million, as well as a large percentage of box office gross estimated between $ 60 million to $ 90 million.
Sean Young originally acted as Vicki Vale, but was injured in a riding accident before the start of the shoot. Young's departure requires an urgent search for an actress who, in addition to being right for the role, can commit to the film in a very short period of time. Peters suggests Kim Basinger: he can immediately join production and cast. As a fan of Michael Gough's work in various Hammer Film Productions, Burton plays Gough as Bruce Wayne's butler, Alfred Pennyworth. Robert Wuhl served as reporter Alexander Knox. His original character was supposed to die by the Joker's poisonous gas at the climax, but the filmmakers "really liked [my] character," Wuhl said, "that they decided to let me live." Burton chose Billy Dee Williams as Harvey Dent because he wanted to include Two-Face villains in future films using the African-American Two-Face concept for black and white concepts, but Tommy Lee Jones later played a part in his role. for Batman Forever , which disappointed Williams. Nicholson convinced the filmmakers to choose his close friend, Tracey Walter, as Joker's accomplice, Bob. Kiefer Sutherland is considered a Robin before the characters are removed from the shooting script. The rest of the cast includes Pat Hingle as Commissioner Gordon, Jerry Hall as Alicia Hunt, Lee Wallace as Mayor Borg, William Hootkins as Lt. Max Eckhardt, and Jack Palance as Carl Grissom's crime boss.
The filmmakers considered making Batman film entirely in the Warner Bros. backlot in Burbank, California, but the media interest in the film made them change the location. It was shot at Pinewood Studios in the UK from October 1988 to January 1989. 18 sound stages were used, almost all of Pinewood's 95-acre backlot. Locations include Knebworth House and Hatfield House doubling for Wayne Manor, plus Acton Lane Power Station and Little Barford Power Station. The original production budget increased from $ 30 million to $ 48 million. Filming is very secret. The PR unit offered and declined Ã, à £ 10,000 for Jack Nicholson's first pictures as Joker. The police were then summoned when two reels of record (about 20 precious minutes) were stolen. With various problems during filming, Burton called it "Torture. The worst period of my life!"
Hamm was not allowed to rewrite during the 1988 Writers Guild strike. Warren Skaaren, who also worked on Burton's Beetlejuice , rewrote it. Jonathan Gems and Charles McKeown rewrote the script during filming. Only Skaaren received a scenario credit with Hamm. Hamm criticized the rewrite, but blamed the changes on Warner Bros.. Burton explains, "I do not understand why that's such a problem, we start with scripts everyone likes, even though we realize it takes a bit of work." Dick Grayson appeared in the shooting script but was removed, because the filmmaker felt he was irrelevant to the plot. Bob Kane supports this decision.
Keaton, who calls himself "weird logic", is concerned that Batman's secret identity will in fact be fairly easy to uncover, and discuss ideas with Burton to disguise characters, including the use of contact lenses. Ultimately, Keaton decides to make Batman's voice at a lower register than when he describes Bruce Wayne, which characterizes the character's film version, with Christian Bale then using the same technique.
Initially at the climax, the Joker is to kill Vicki Vale, sending Batman into anger of revenge. Jon Peters reworked the climax without telling Burton and assigned production designer Anton Furst to model the 38-foot cathedral (12 m). It costs $ 100,000 when the movie is over budget. Burton did not like the idea, did not know how the scene would end: "Here's Jack Nicholson and Kim Basinger who climbed this cathedral, and in the middle of the road Jack turned around and said, 'Why am I walking up these stairs? ? "" We'll talk about it when you reach the top! "I have to tell him I do not know."
Burton was impressed by Anton Furst's design at The Company of Wolves, and had previously failed to recruit Furst as a production designer for Beetlejuice. Furst is too committed to the High Spirits , an option he regrets. Furst enjoys working with Burton. "I do not think I've ever felt so naturally in tune with a director," he said. "Conceptually, spiritually, visually, or artistically, it's never a problem because we never fight for anything, texture, attitude and feeling are what Burton is an expert."
Furst and the art department deliberately mixed up the architectural style to "make Gotham City the worst and bleakest metropolis imaginable". Furst continued, "Imagine what might happen in New York City without a planning commission, a city run by a crime, with a riot of architectural style, an essay in evil, as if hell erupted through the sidewalk and kept going". Terry Gilliam's 1985 Terry Gilliam 1985 Brazilian film also had an important influence on the design of film production, as Burton and Furst studied it as a reference. Derek Meddings served as a visual effects watchdog, while Keith Short helped build the newly created Batmobile 1989, adding two Browning machine guns. In designing the Batmobile, Furst explained, "We saw the jet component, we saw the war machine, we saw all sorts of things.In the end, we went to pure expressionism, picked up the 30's Salt Racers and Macho Sting Ray Machines from the 50s". The car was built on top of the Chevrolet Impala when previous development with Jaguar and Ford Mustang failed.
Costume designer Bob Ringwood turned down the opportunity to work on Music
Burton hired Danny Elfman from Oingo Boingo, his collaborator on Pee-wee Adventure and Beetlejuice to compose music scores. As an inspiration, Elfman was given the The Dark Knight Returns . Elfman worried, because he never worked on this huge production in budget and scale. In addition, producer Jon Peters was skeptical about hiring Elfman, but was later convinced when he heard the opening number. Peters and Peter Guber want Prince to write music for Joker and Michael Jackson to perform romance songs. Elfman will then combine Prince and Jackson song styles together for the entire movie score.
Burton protested the idea, saying "my movie is not commercial like Top Gun ." Elfman enlisted the help of Oingo Boingo leading guitarist Steve Bartek and Shirley Walker to set up the compositions for the orchestra. Elfman was then unhappy with mixing audio from his film scores. " Batman was performed in the UK by a careless technician, and showed non-caring," he said. "I'm not putting England down because they've done a great job there, but this particular crew chose not to." Batman was one of the first films to spawn two soundtracks. One of them displays songs written by the Prince while others show off Elfman's score. Both were successful, and the compilation of Elfman's credit clearance was used in the title theme theme for Batman: The Animated Series, also composed by Shirley Walker.
When discussing the central theme of Batman, Tim Burton explains, "the whole movie and character mythology is a complete duel of freaks, it's a battle between two disturbed people," adding that "The Joker is an outward character usually because there is complete freedom to him.Each character that operates outside the community and is considered a freak and wasted then has the freedom to do what they want... They are the dark side of freedom.Crazy is the scariest fearful way you can have, because you are not bound by the laws of society ".
Burton sees Bruce Wayne as a dual identity bearer, exposing someone while hiding reality from the world. Biographer Burton Ken Hanke writes that Bruce Wayne, who fought with his alter-ers as Batman, is described as an antihero. Hanke felt that Batman should push the boundaries of civil justice to deal with certain criminals, such as the Joker. Kim Newman theorizes that "Burton and the authors see Batman and Joker as dramatic antithesies, and the film is related to their origin and fate that are entwined to a much greater degree".
Batman delivered a trademark found in a pulp magazine in the 1930s, especially the stylish Gotham City design with Art Deco design. Richard Corliss, writing for Time , observes that Gotham's design is a reference to films like Metropolis (1927) and Cabinet. Caligari (1920). "Gotham City, although shot in a studio backlot", he continued, "is literally another character in the manuscript, it has a degrading presence of German Expressionism and fascist architecture, staring at the citizens." Hanke further discusses the idea of ââBatman being part of the period, in which "Citizens, police, people and black and white television looks like it happened in 1939"; but then said: "If the filmmakers made Vicki Vale a femme fatale rather than a girl in distress, this could make Batman a tribute and respect to the classic noir movie." Part of the climax gives homage to Vertigo .
The production designer Anton Furst designed the poster, which he called "evocative but everywhere, featuring Bat-Symbol only, not too much and not too little." Previous design "has the word 'Batman' spelled on RoboCop or Conan the Barbarian -type font". Jon Peters brings together all the film ties, even refusing $ 6 million from General Motors to build the Batmobile because the car company will not let go of the creative control.
During production, Peters reads in The Wall Street Journal that comic book fans are not satisfied with the casting of Michael Keaton. In response, Peters rushed the first movie trailer played in thousands of theaters over Christmas. It's just a collection of scenes without music, but it creates great anticipation for the movie. DC Comics allows screenwriter Sam Hamm to write his own comic book miniseries. Hamm's stories are collected in graphic novel Batman: Blind Justice (ISBN: 978-1563890475). Denys Cowan and Dick Giordano illustrate the artwork. Blind Blind tells the story of Bruce Wayne trying to solve a series of murders connected with Wayne Enterprises. It also marks Henri Ducard's first appearance, which was later used in the Batman Begins reboot, albeit as an alias to the more famous Ra's al Ghul.
In the months prior to the release of Batman ' in June 1989, a popular cultural phenomenon known as "Batmania" began. More than $ 750 million of merchandise is sold. The cult filmmaker and comic book writer Kevin Smith remembers: "The summer is so great you can not turn around without seeing Bat-Signal somewhere, people are cutting it to their heads It's just Batman's summer and if you're a fan of comic books it's pretty hot. "Hachette Book Group USA published a novelization, Batman , written by Craig Shaw Gardner. It remained on the list of Best Sellers of the New York Times during June 1989. Burton admitted he was distracted by publicity. David Handelman of The New York Observer categorized Batman as a high-concept movie. He believes "it's less a movie than a corporate giant".
box office
Batman grossed $ 2.2 million in a late-night preview on June 22, 1989 at 1,215 screens and earned $ 40.49 million in 2,194 theaters during its opening weekend. It broke the opening weekend record set by Ghostbusters II a week earlier, with $ 29.4 million. Batman became the fastest movie to earn $ 100 million, grabbed it in 11 days (10 days plus a late-night preview), The film closed on December 14, 1989, for a total gross of $ 251.2 million in North America and $ 160.15 million internationally, for a total of $ 411.35 million. and is the highest grossing film based on DC comic books until 2008 The Dark Knight . The gross film is the sixth highest in the North American ranks. Although Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade made the most money worldwide in 1989, Batman was able to defeat The Last Crusade in North America, and making over $ 150 million in home video sales. Box Office Mojo estimates that the film sold more than 60 million tickets in the US.
Critical response
Batman was criticized by some for being too dark, but still receiving positive reviews from critics. On Rotten Tomatoes the film has a 72% approval rating based on 68 reviews, with an average rating of 6.6/10. The critical consensus of the site reads, "A frightening and haunted spectacle, Batman succeeded in dark entertainment, even if Jack Nicholson's Joker too often goes beyond the title character. " Metacritic gave an aggregate score of 66 out of 100, based on 17 critics, showing "generally favorable reviews". Viewers surveyed by CinemaScore gave this movie an average rating of "A" on a scale of A to F.
Many have observed that Burton is more interested in Joker and art and organizes production designs than Batman or anything else in terms of characterization and screentime. Comic book fans reacted negatively to the Joker who killed Thomas and Martha Wayne; in comic books, Joe Chill is responsible. Author Sam Hamm says it was Burton's idea to make the Joker kill Wayne's parents. "The Writer's Strike is ongoing, and Tim asks another writer to do it, and I'm also innocent to Alfred let Vicki Vale into Batcave, Fans are reproached with it, and I agree it will be Alfred's last day at Wayne Manor, "said Hamm.
Songs written by the Prince were criticized for being "too out of place". While Burton states he has no problem with Prince's songs, he is less enthusiastic about his use in movies. In the movie, Burton commented, "I love the parts, but the whole movie is so boring to me It's okay, but it's more a cultural phenomenon than a great movie."
Despite initial negative reactions from comic fans prior to the release of the film, Keaton's portrayals are generally praised. James Berardinelli called the film entertaining, with its peak being a production design. However, he concludes, "the best thing that can be said about Batman is that it causes Batman Returns, which is a far superior effort." Variety felt "Jack Nicholson stole every scene" but still greeted the film with positive feedback. Roger Ebert was very impressed with the production design, but claiming "Batman is a design triumph over story, style over substance, excellent movie with a plot you do not really care about." He also called the movie "a sad experience". Her Gene Siskel counterpart disagrees, describing the film as having a 'refreshing adult' approach with performances, directions, and designs that 'draw you into the psychological world'.
Anton Furst and Peter Young won the Academy Award for Best Art Direction, while Nicholson was nominated for a Golden Globe Award for Best Actor (Musical or Comedy). The British Academy of Film and Television Art nominated Batman in six categories (Production Design, Visual Effects, Costume Design, Make Up, Sound and Actor in Supporting Roles for Nicholson), but did not win the category. Nicholson, Basinger, the makeup department, and costume designer Bob Ringwood all received nominations at the Saturn Awards. The film was also nominated for Saturn Award for Best Fantasy Movie and Hugo Award for Best Drama Presentation.
The success of Batman encourages Warner Bros. Animation to create the famous movie Batman: The Animated Series, as a result started the long-running DC animation world and helped build the modern day. superhero movie genre. Co-creator series Bruce Timm stated that the Art Deco design of the television show was inspired by the film. Timm commented, "our event will never be created if it were not for the first movie Batman ." Burton joked, "since I did Batman , it's like the first black comic movie.Now everyone wants to do a dark and serious superhero movie.I guess I'm responsible for that trend."
Batman started the movie series Batman and spawned three sequels: Batman Returns (1992), Batman Forever (1995)) and Batman & amp; Robin (1997); the latter two being directed by Joel Schumacher instead of Burton, and replacing Keaton as Batman with Val Kilmer and George Clooney, respectively.
Executive producers Benjamin Melniker and Michael E. Uslan filed a violation of a contract lawsuit at the Los Angeles County Superior Court on March 26, 1992. Melniker and Uslan claim to be "victims of fraudulent and malevolent fraudulent campaigns that have deceived them from a sustained engagement in production Batman and the sequel We were denied the right credit, and were robbed of financial rewards for our irreplaceable creative contribution to Batman's success. "A high court judge dismissed the lawsuit. Total revenue from Batman has reached $ 2 billion, with Uslan claiming to have "not seen a cent more than that because our net profit participation has proven to be worthless." Warner Bros. offers the couple an out-of-court payment, the amount described by Melniker and lawyer Uslan as "two popcorn and two Coke".
Reflecting on the 20th anniversary of its launch in a retrospective article at, film commentator Scott Mendelson noted the sustained impact Batman has on the motion picture industry, including the growing importance of opening the weekend box. office receipts; the narrowing window between the movie debut and the launch of the video that caused the collapse of the second cinemas; accelerated pre-sale acceleration of pre-existing properties for film adaptation that can be easily used to trade tie-in; excellence MPAA PG-13 as the target rank for film producer; and more non-traditional casting opportunities for the movie genre.
The American Film Institute tells Batman as the 46th greatest movie hero and Joker, the 45th greatest movie villain in 100 Years AFI... 100 Heroes and Criminals.
- List of the American Film Institute
- AFI 100 Years... 100 Movies - Nominated
- AFI 100 Years... 100 Thrills - Nominated
- 100 Years AFI... 100 Heroes and Villages:
- The Joker - # 45 Villain
- Batman - # 46 Hero
- AFI 100 Years... 100 Quotes Movies:
- "Have you ever danced with the Devil in the pale moonlight?" - Nominated
- 100 Years AFI Film Score - Nominated
- AFI 10 Fantasy Movies Top 10 Nominations
Home videos
Many movie versions have been released. Included are VHS, Laserdisc, DVD single-disc, DVD special edition and a set of anthologies. The Batman: The Motion Picture Anthology released in 2005 included a special 2-disc DVD edition from Tim Burton/Joel Schumacher's Batman . This anthology collection was re-released on Blu-ray on March 10, 2009.
On May 19, 2009, a stand-alone 20th anniversary edition was released. This stand-alone version contains special features that are exactly the same as the anthology counterparts (both DVD and Blu-ray). There are two differences: This version includes a 50-page book guide for movies, and a slight variation in packaging from normal Blu-ray cases (ie Warner Bros. digviook). They both include digital copies of the film.
Warner Bros. also released the 25th anniversary edition on Blu Ray on December 20, 2014 with all the same special features featured on DVD and Blu Ray and comes with a new featurette called "Batman: The Birth of Modern Blockbuster".
The movie is also included in the
Further reading
External links
Source of the article : Wikipedia