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Selasa, 03 Juli 2018

How Quakers Got Their Name - YouTube
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Quakers (or Friends ) are members of the historic Christian religious movement group officially known as The Religious Communities of Friends or Friends of the Church . Members of various Quaker movements are generally united in the belief in the ability of every human to access the experience of "inner light", or "God's in everyone".

Some may recognize the priesthood of all believers, a doctrine derived from Peter's First Letter. They include people with Quaker's understanding of evangelical Christianity, holiness, liberalism, and traditionalism. There are also Quake Nontheists whose spiritual practice does not depend on the existence of the Christian God. To a different extent, the different movements that form the Society/Religious Community Union avoid aqeedah and hierarchical structure. In 2007, there were about 359,000 Quaker adults worldwide. In 2012, there are 377,055 Adult Quakers, with 52% in Africa.

About 89% of Quakers around the world come from the queerism and programmed branches Quakerism - This Quakers worship in service with songs and messages prepared from the Bible, coordinated by a priest. About 11% of Friends practicing worship awaits , or non-programmed worship (better known today as Meeting for Worship ), where the order of service was unplanned earlier, mostly silent, and may include vocal service that was not ready from those present. Several meetings of both types have ministers in their meetings - friends who are recognized for their gift of vocal service.

The first Quakers lived in the mid-17th century England. The movement emerged from the Legatine-Arian and Protestant groups who differed, separating themselves from the established Church of England. The Quakers, especially known as Valiant Sixty, seek to convert others into their understanding of Christianity, traveling throughout England and abroad, preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ. Some of these early Quaker preachers were women. They base their message on the religious belief that "Christ has come to teach his own people", stresses the importance of direct contact with God through Jesus Christ, and direct religious belief in the universal priesthood of all believers. They emphasize the personal and direct personal experience of Christ, obtained through direct religious experience and reading and studying the Bible. Quakers focus their personal lives on developing behaviors and speeches that reflect the emotional purity and light of God.

In the past, Quakers were known for their use of thee as regular pronouns, refusal to participate in war, common attire, rejection to swearing, against slavery, and teetotalism. Some Quakers established banks and financial institutions, including Barclays, Lloyds, and Friends Provident; manufacturing companies, including C & amp; J. Clark and three of England's largest confectionery makers Cadbury, Rowntree and Fry; and philanthropic efforts, including the abolition of slavery, prison reform, and social justice projects.

Video Quakers


Beginning in England

During and after the British Civil War (1642-1651) many disagreeing Christian groups appeared, including the Searchers and others. A young man, George Fox, was dissatisfied with the Church's English and non-conformist teachings. He has the revelation that "there is one, in fact, Christ Jesus, who can speak to your condition", and becomes convinced that it is possible to have direct experience of Christ without the help of an ordained minister. He had a vision of Pendle Hill in Lancashire, England, where he believed that "God let me see in what place he has great people to collect". After this, he traveled around England, the Netherlands, and Barbados preaching and teaching with the aim of converting new followers to his faith. The main theme of his gospel message is that Christ has come to teach his people. His followers regarded themselves as the restoration of the true Christian church, after centuries of apostasy in the churches of England.

In 1650, Fox was brought before judges Gervase Bennet and Nathaniel Barton, on charges of blasphemy. According to the autobiography of George Fox, Bennet "was the first to call us Quakers, for I ordered them to tremble to hear the word of God". It is estimated that George Fox refers to the Isaiah 66: 2, King James Version (Authorized, 1611) "> Isaiah 66: 2 or Ezra 9: 4 . Thus, the name Quaker began as a way to make fun of George Fox's advice, but became widely accepted and used by some Quakers. Quakers also describe themselves using terms such as true Christianity, Saints, Children of Light, and Friends of Truth, reflecting the terms used in the New Testament by members of the early Christian church.

Quakerism gained many followers in England and Wales, and the number increased to 60,000 in England and Wales in 1680 (1.15% of the population of England and Wales). However, the dominant Protestantism discourse views Quaker as a blasphemous challenge to the social and political order, leading to the official persecution in England and Wales under the Quaker Act 1662 and the Conventicle Act 1664. This was relaxed after the Indulgences Declaration (1687 - 1688) and ceased under the Act of Toleration 1689.

One of the modern views of Quakerism today is that the relationship with Christ is driven through the spiritualization of human relations, and "redefined Quakers as the sacred tribe, 'the family and the family of God ' . Together with Margaret Fell, wife of Thomas Fell, who is vice-chancellor of Duchy of Lancaster and a prominent judge, Fox developed a new concept of family and community that emphasizes "sacred conversation": speech and behavior that reflect piety. , faith, and love. With the restructuring of families and households comes a new role for women; Fox and Fell see Quaker's mother as very important to develop a "sacred conversation" in the children and her husband. Quaker ladies are also responsible for the greater spirituality of the community, gathering together in "meetings" that govern marriage and domestic behavior.

Immigration to North America

The persecution of Quakers in North America began in 1656 when British Quaker missionaries Mary Fisher and Ann Austin began preaching in Boston. They are considered heretics because of their insistence on individual adherence to the inner light. They were imprisoned and thrown away by the Massachusetts Bay Colony. Their books were burned, and most of their possessions were confiscated. They were imprisoned in bad conditions, then deported.

In 1660, the English Quaker Mary Dyer was hanged in Boston Common for repeatedly defying the Puritan law which forbade Quakers from the colony. He is one of four executed Quakers known as the Boston martyrs. In 1661, King Charles II forbade Massachusetts from executing anyone for claiming Quakerism. In 1684, the British abolished the Massachusetts charter, sending the kingdom's governor to enforce English law in 1686 and, in 1689, pass a broad Tolerance Act.

Some Friends immigrated to what is now the northeastern United States of America in the early 1680s to look for more tolerant economic and environmental opportunities to build a "sacred conversation" community. They were able to build a thriving community in the Delaware Valley, though they continued to experience persecution in some areas, such as New England. The three colonies that tolerate Quaker today are West Jersey, Rhode Island, and Pennsylvania, where Quakers build themselves politically. In Rhode Island, 36 governors in the first 100 years are Quakers. West Jersey and Pennsylvania was founded by Rich Quaker William Penn in 1676 and 1682, with Pennsylvania as an American commonwealth run under the Quaker principle. William Penn signed a peace agreement with Tammany, the leader of the Delaware tribe, and other agreements that followed between the Quakers and Native Americans. This peace lasted for almost a century, until the Penn's Creek Massacre of 1755. The early Quaker colony also established communities and meeting houses in North Carolina and Maryland, after escaping persecution by the Anglican Church in Virginia.

In a 2007 interview, writer David Yount (How Quakers Invented America) stated that Quaker first introduced many ideas that later became mainstream, such as the democracy in the Pennsylvania legislature, Bill of Rights to the Constitution. from Rhode Island Quakers, trial by jury, equal rights for men and women, and public education. Even Liberty Bell himself was thrown by Quaker.


Early quakerism tolerated the boisterous behavior that challenged conventional ethics, but in 1700, they continued to encourage spontaneity of expression but they were no longer supported with troubling and unruly behaviors. During the 18th century, Quakers entered the period of Calm in their church history, and they became deeper into spiritually searching and less active in changing others. Married outside the Union is prohibited. The number decreased to 19,800 in England and Wales in 1800 (0.21% of the population), and 13,859 in 1860 (0.07% of the population). The official name of "Religious Society of Friends" dates from this period and may come from appellations "Friends of the Light" and "Friends of the Truth".


In the 19th century, there was a diversification of theological beliefs within the Society of Religious Friends, and this led to some major divisions in the Quaker movement.

Hicksite-Orthodox separated

Hicksite-Orthodox splits emerge from ideological and socio-economic tensions. The Annual Meeting of Philadelphia Hicksites tends to be more agrarian and poorer than the more urban, more prosperous Orthodox Quaker. With increasing financial success, Ortodox Quaker wanted to "make the Institute a more respectable body - to turn their sect into a church - by adopting mainstream Protestant orthodoxy". Hicksites, though they hold various views, generally see the market economy as corrupt, and believe the Orthodox Quakers have sacrificed their orthodox Christian spirituality for material success. Hickplace regards the Bible as secondary to the individual planting of God's light within.

With Gaireyite Quakers shifting to Protestant principles and away from the spiritualization of human relations, the role of women as promoters of "sacred conversation" began to diminish. In contrast, in the Hicksite movement, the rejection of a market economy and a sustained focus on community and family ties tends to encourage women to maintain their role as strong mediators.

The religious outlook of Elias Hicks is claimed to be universalist and contradicts the beliefs and practices of the historical Orthodox Christian Quakers. The preaching of the Gospel and the teaching of Elias Hicks precipitated the 1827 Great Separation, which resulted in the parallel system of the Annual Meeting in America, followed by Friends from Philadelphia, New York, Ohio, Indiana, and Baltimore. They are called by their opponents as Hicksites and by others, and sometimes themselves, as orthodox . Quakers in the United Kingdom only recognize Quaker's Orthodox and refuse to connect with Hicksites.

Beaconit Controversy

Isaac Crewdson is a Recording Minister in Manchester, England. He published a book entitled A Beacon to the Society of Friends in 1835, which strongly denied that the inner light could not exist beside the religious belief in salvation by the atonement of Christ. This Christian controversy led to the resignation of Isaac Crewdson of the Religious Society of Friends, along with 48 other members of the Manchester Meeting and about 250 other Quakers in 1836-1837. Some of these Quakers joined the Plymouth Brethren Church.

The rise of Gurneyite Quakerism, and the Gurneyite-Conservative split

Orthodox Friends became more evangelical during the 19th century and were influenced by the Second Awakening. The movement was led by the British Quaker Joseph John Gurney. Christian friends hold a revival meeting in America and engage in the church's holiness movement. Quakers like Hannah Whitall Smith and Robert Pearsall Smith became speakers in religious movements and introduced Quaker phrases and practices to her. British friends became involved with the High Life movement, with Robert Wilson of the Cockermouth meeting establishing the Keswick Convention. From the 1870s it became common in Great Britain to hold a home mission meeting on Sunday night with Christian hymns and Bible-based sermons in addition to a silent meeting for worship on Sunday mornings.

The Quaker Annual Meeting that supports the religious beliefs of Joseph John Gurney is known as the annual meeting of Gurneyite . Many eventually collectively became the Five-Year Summit and then the Friends United Meeting, though the nineteenth-century London Annual Meetings of Gurneyite did not join any of these groups. This Quaker's annual meeting is the largest proportion of Quakers in the world today.

Some orthodox Quaker in America dislikes movement toward evangelical Christianity and sees it as a dilution of traditional Christian Orthodox beliefs of friends within the Spirit-led body. These friends were led by John Wilbur who was expelled from his annual meeting in 1842. He and his supporters formed their own Conservative Friends Annual Meeting. In England in 1868, some Companions broke away from the London Annual Meeting for the same reason. They formed a separate body of Friends called the Fritchley General Meeting, which remained distinct and separate from the London Annual Meeting until 1968. Similar Christian divisions occurred in Canada. The Annual Meeting that supports the religious belief of John Wilbur is known as Conservative Friends.

Richmond Declaration

In 1887, a British-born Gurneyite Quaker, Joseph Bevan Braithwaite, proposed to Friends a statement of faith known as the Richmond Declaration. This statement of faith was approved by 95 representatives at a meeting of Friends of the Five Year Meetings; but suddenly the Richmond Declaration was not adopted by the London Annual Meeting because a vocal minority, including Edward Grubb, opposed it.

Mission to Asia and Africa

Following a Christian revival in the mid-nineteenth century, Friends in England wanted to start missionary activities abroad. The first missionaries were sent to Benares (Varanasi), in India, in 1866. The Foreign Missions Association was formed in 1868, and sent missionaries to Madhya Pradesh, India, forming what is now the Mid-Indian Annual Meeting; and then to Madagascar from 1867, China from 1896, Sri Lanka from 1896, and Pemba Island from 1897. The Friends Syrian Mission was founded in 1874, which among other institutions runs the Ramallah Friend School, there is today. The Swiss missionary Theophilus Waldmeier founded Brummana High School in Lebanon in 1873. Evangelical Evangelical Churches of the Ohio Annual Meeting sent missionaries to India in 1896, which formed the Annual Bundelkhand Meeting. Cleveland Friends went to Mombasa, Kenya, and embarked on the most successful Mission mission. Christian Quakerism spread in Kenya and Uganda, Tanzania, Burundi, and Rwanda.

The theory of evolution

The theory of evolution described by Charles Darwin in the Origin of Species (1859) was opposed by many Quakers in the nineteenth century, especially by older evangelical Quakers who dominated the Religious Society of Great Britain. These religious leaders are suspicious of Darwin's theory, and believe that natural selection needs to be complemented by other processes. For example, influential British Quaker scientist Edward Newman states that this theory is "incompatible with our idea of ​​creation delivered from the Creator's hand".

However, some Young friends such as John Wilhelm Rowntree and Edward Grubb support Darwin's theory of adopting the doctrine of progressive revelation with evolutionary ideas. In the United States, Joseph Moore taught the theory of evolution at Quaker Earlham College as early as 1861 and was probably one of the first teachers in the Midwest to do so. The acceptance of evolutionary theory became more widespread in the Annual Meeting, which moved towards liberal Christianity in the 20th century, while the belief in creationism remained in the Evangelical Churches, especially in East Africa and parts of the United States.

Quaker Renaissance

In the late 19th and early 20th century the religious movement known as the Quaker Renaissance movement began in the London Annual Meeting. The Young Companions at London's Annual Meeting are now moving away from evangelicalism and toward liberal Christianity. Quaker Renaissance movement is mainly influenced by John Wilhelm Rowntree, Edward Grubb, and Rufus Jones. These Liberal Friends promote the theory of evolution, modern biblical criticism, and the social meaning of Jesus Christ's teachings - encouraging the Companions to follow the New Testament example of Christ by doing good deeds. These Quakers belied the evangelical Quaker belief in the atonement of Christ on the Cross at Calvary. After the Manchester Conference in England in 1895, a thousand British Friends met to consider the future of British Quakerism and, as a result, Quaker's liberal ideas gradually increased in the London Annual Meeting.

Disclaimer of conscience

During World War I and World War II, Friends' opposition to the war was tested. Many Friends become opponents of conscience and some form the Friends Ambulance Unit with the aim of working with others to build a new world rather than fighting to destroy the old , and the American Friends Service Committee. Birmingham, England had a strong Quaker community during the war. Many British Quakers were required to follow the Non-Combatant Corps during both world wars.

Establishment of Friends World Committee for Consultation

After the two great wars brought different types of Quakers closer together, Friends from various annual meetings - many of whom have served together at the Friends Ambulance Unit, and at the American Friends Service Committee and in other relief work - then held several Quaker World Summits; this then resulted in the creation of a standing body of Friends called Friends World Committee for Consultation.

Evangelical Friends

After World War I, a growing desire for a more fundamentalist approach among some friends began to split between the Five Year Meetings. In 1926, the Oregon Annual Meeting broke away from the Five-Year Summit, bringing together other annual meetings and holding monthly meetings. In 1947, the Association of Evangelical Friends was formed, with a three-yearly meeting until 1970. In 1965, it was replaced by the Evangelical Friends Alliance, which in 1989 became Evangelist Friends Church International.

Female role

In the 1650s, each Quaker woman prophesied and preached publicly, developing a charismatic persona and spreading sects. This practice is supported by the concept of spiritual equality of movement for men and women. In addition, quakerism was initially driven by the nonconformist behavior of its followers, especially women who violated social norms. In the 1660s, the progress of the movement resulted in a more structured organization, which led to separate women's meetings. Through women's meetings, women supervise household and community life, including marriage. From the outset, Quaker ladies, especially Margaret Fell, played an important role in defining Quakerism. Other people who are active in da'wah include Mary Penington, Mary Mollineux and Barbara Blaugdone. Quaker ladies even published at least 220 texts during the seventeenth century. However, in the Quaker movement, there are those who hate the power of women in society. In the early years of Quakerism, George Fox faced resistance in developing and building women's meetings. As controversy escalated, Fox did not fully comply with this agenda; For example, he founded the London Six Weeks Meeting in 1671, as a watchdog, led by thirty-five women and forty-nine men. Regardless, the conflict culminated in the Wilkinson-Story split, in which some of the Quaker community went to worship independently in protest at women's meetings. After a few years, the split became deeply resolved, testifying about the resistance of some within the Quaker community, and to the radical spiritual roles of women encouraged by George Fox and Margaret Fell. Particularly in the relatively affluent Quaker community in the eastern United States, focusing on children and "holy conversations" gives women an unusual community power, even though they are largely excluded from the market economy. With the Hicksite-Orthodox split in 1827-1828, Orthodox women found their spiritual role declining, while Hicksite women retained a greater influence.

Friends in business

Described as a "natural capitalist" by the BBC, the Quaker dynasty succeeded in business matters. These included the manufacture of iron by Abraham Darby I (who played a key role in the Industrial Revolution that began in England), and his family; banking, including Lloyds Banking Group (founded by Sampson Lloyd), Barclays PLC, Backhouse's Bank and Gurney's Bank; life insurance (Friend's Friend); drugs (Allen & Hanburys); chocolate (Cadbury, Terry's, Fry's); confectionery (Rowntree); manufacturing biscuits (Huntley & Palmers); making matches (Bryant & May, Francis May and William Bryant) and shoe manufacturing (Clarks).

Friends in international development

International volunteer organizations such as Service Civil International and International Voluntary Service were established by leading Quakers.

Friends in education

Initially, the Quakers did not have an ordained minister, and thus did not require a seminary for theological training. In the UK, Quaker schools have sprung up, with Friends School Saffron Walden becoming the most prominent. Then in America they founded William Penn Charter School (1689), Wilmington Friends School (1748), Moorestown Friends School (1785), Westtown School (1799), Germantown Friends School (1845), Scattergood Friends School (1890), Haverford College 1833), Guilford College (1837), Olney Friends School (1837), Pickering College (1842), Earlham College & amp; Earlham School of Religion (1847), Swarthmore College (1864), Wilmington College (Ohio), 1870), Bryn Mawr College (1885), Friends Pacific Academy (now George Fox University) ), Cleveland Bible College (now Malone University) (1892), George School (1893), Friends University (1898), Training School for Christian Workers (now Azusa Pacific University) (1899), Whittier College (1901), and Friends Bible College (now Barclay College) (1917). In Australia, Friends' School, Hobart was founded in 1887 and has grown to become the world's largest Quaker school. In the United Kingdom, they organized Woodbrooke College in 1903. In Kenya, Quaker founded the Friends Bible Institute (now Friends Theological College) in Kaimosi, Kenya, in 1942.

Friends and slavery

Some Quakers in North America and Great Britain became famous for their involvement in the abolition of slavery. However, before the American Revolution, it was quite common for Friends in the United Kingdom to have slaves. During the early to mid 1700s anxiety about this practice emerged among Friends, best exemplified by the testimony of Anthony Benezet and John Woolman, and this resulted in the removal movement among Friends. At the time of the American Revolution, some Friends had slaves. At the end of the war of 1783, members of the Yarnall family together with the Members of the Meeting Hall petitioned the Continental Congress to abolish slavery. This petition preceded the 13th Amendment in 1865 for almost eighty years. In 1790, the Society of Friends petitioned the US Congress as the first organization to take a collective stance against slavery and the slave trade.

One example of a reversal in sentiment about slavery occurred in the life of Moses Brown, one of the four Rhode Island brothers who, in 1764, organized and funded the tragic and decisive journey of a slave ship named Sally. Moses Brown broke away from his three brothers, became an abolitionist, and turned to Christian Quakerism. During the 19th century, Quakers such as Levi Coffin played a major role in helping those enslaved to flee through the Underground Railroad. Quaker Paul Cuffee, the captain and entrepreneur of the free black sea, was active in the abolitionist movement and resettlement at the beginning of the century.

Maps Quakers


The theological convictions of Quaker's annual meetings vary widely. Tolerance of dissent widely varies between annual meetings. Most Friends believe in continuing revelation, which is a religious belief that truth is constantly expressed directly to the individuals of God. George Fox, an "early friend", described it as "Christ has come to teach his own people." Friends often focus on trying to listen to God. As Isaac Penington wrote in 1670, "Not enough to hear about Christ, or to read about Christ, but this is the thing - to feel him become my root, my life, and my foundation..." The Quakers rejected the idea of ​​the priests , believe in the priesthood of all believers. Some Friends express their concept of God using various phrases including the inner light, or the inner light of Christ, the Holy Spirit or other phrases.

Various theological beliefs, an understanding of "the leading of the Holy Spirit", and the statement of "faith and practice" always exist among Friends. Partly because of the emphasis on the direct guidance of the Holy Spirit, Quaker's doctrines are sometimes only codified as statements of faith, recognition or theological texts; which exists including the Letter to the Governor of Barbados (Fox, 1671), Apology for True Christian Divinity (Barclay, 1678), Catechism and Confession of Faith (adopted by all orthodox annual meetings in the US, 1830), Richmond Declaration of Faith (adopted by the Five Years Meeting, 1887), and Important Truth (Jones and Wood, adopted by the Five Years Meeting, 1922). As a public faith statement, most of the annual meetings publish their own Book of Discipline, which reveals Christian discipleship in the experiences of Companions during the annual meeting.


Conservative Friends (also known as "Wilburites" after their founder, John Wilbur), shared some of George Fox's beliefs and Early Friends. Many Wilburites see themselves as Quakers of the utmost faith for the original Quaker doctrine, arguing that the majority of Friends "broke away" from Wilburite Quaker in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries (rather than Wilburites became a "breakaway" sect). Conservative friends put their trust in God's direct guidance. Conservative friends completely reject all forms of religious symbolism and the external sacraments, such as the Eucharist and water baptism. Conservative friends do not trust relying on the practice of ritual and the external sacrament, to have a life relationship with God through Christ; believes that holiness can exist in all the activities of one's everyday life - and that all life is sacred in God. Many Conservative Friends believe that eating with others can be a form of communion with God, and with one another.

In the US, Conservative Friends are part of three small Quaker Annual Meetings in Ohio, North Carolina, and Iowa; The Ohio Annual Meeting (Conservative) is generally regarded as the most Bible-centered of the three Conservative Friends' Annual Meeting, retaining simple Christian Quakers, who continue to wear modest clothing, and who live in small villages or rural areas; more than a Conservative Friend of the other two Conservative Friends' Annual Meetings.

In 2007, the total membership of this Annual Meeting was about 1642, making them about 0.4% of the Quakers family in the world.


Evangelicals Friends regard Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior, and share the same religious beliefs with other evangelical Christians. They believe, and greatly respect, the substitution of Christ's atoning sacrifice on the Cross at Calvary, the infallibility of the Bible, and the need of everyone to personally experience a relationship with God. They believe that the purpose of the Evangelical Church Church is to evangelize unsaved people in the world, to transform them spiritually through the love of God, and through social service to others. Evangelicals Friends regard the Bible as the perfect Word of God and authenticity. A statement of faith from Evangelical Friends International, comparable to the faith statement from other Evangelical churches. Evangelical friends who are members of Evangelical Friends International, mainly located in the US, Central America, and Asia. Beginning in the 1880s, some Friends began to use the external sacraments in their Sunday worship, first in Eastern Evangelical Churches (then known as the Ohio Annual Meeting [Damascus]). Friends Church-Southwest Region, has also approved the practice of using the sacraments outside in their Sunday worship services. In places where evangelical friends are engaged in missionary work, such as in Africa, Latin America, and Asia, adult baptism by immersion in water takes place. This practice is different from most of the other Quaker's branches of the Sahabat Religious Society. In 2014, EFCI claims to represent over 140,000 Friends, equaling about 39% of the total Friends totals worldwide.


Gurneyite Friends (aka Friends United Meeting Friends), is a follower of modern Quaker Evangelical theology, first proclaimed by Joseph John Gurney, a 19th-century English friend. They account for 49% of Quaker's total worldwide. They regard Jesus Christ as their Teacher and Lord, and support working closely with other Protestant Christian churches. Gurneyite friends place more emphasis on biblical authority as the direct Word of God than on personal and direct experiences of God in their lives. Both children and adults participate in a sustainable religious education that emphasizes orthodox Christian teaching from the Bible, and in relation to orthodox Quaker Christian history and Quaker's testimony. Gurneyite friends subscribe to a set of orthodox Christian doctrines, such as those found in the Richmond Declaration of faith. In subsequent years, conflicts arose among the Friends of Gurneyite in relation to the Richmond Declaration of faith. So, after a while, the Richmond Declaration of faith was adopted by almost all of Gurneyite's annual meetings. The Five-Year Summit Friends reaffirmed their loyalty to the Richmond Declaration of faith in 1912, but specifically stated that it was not to form a Christian faith. Although Gurneyism was the main form of Quakerism in England in the 19th century, Gurneyite's friends now reside in America, Ireland, Africa and India. Many Gurneyite Friends combine "waiting worship" (unplanned worship), with religious practices commonly found in other Protestant Christian churches, such as Bible reading and Hymns singing. A small number of Gurneyite friends practice a completely non-programmed worship.


The Holiness of Companions is greatly influenced by the Holiness movement, especially John Wesley's doctrine of Christian perfection, also called "whole sanctification." This doctrine states that loving God and man totally, as exemplified by Christ, allows believers to break free from voluntary sins. This was the dominant view in Quakerism in England and the United States in the 19th century, and it affected other Quaker branches. Friends of Holiness argue (relying on writings that include George Fox's message of perfection ) that Early friends had the same understanding of holiness.

Today, while there are some Friends who hold the beliefs of holiness in most of the annual meetings, it is the dominant theological view of the Middle East Friends Meeting (founded in 1926 specifically to promote the theology of holiness), and the Mission of Holiness of the Evangelical Church of Bolivian Evangelicals founded by missionaries of the meeting in 1919, the largest group of Friends in Bolivia).


Quakerism liberalism generally refers to friends who have taken the ideas of liberal Christianity, often sharing a mix of similar ideas, such as more critical biblical hermeneutics, often with a focus on the social gospel. The ideas of were from God in all people and the inner light was popularized by American Friend Rufus Jones, at the beginning of the 20th century. He and John Wilhelm Rowntree started the movement. Liberal friends were very dominant in Britain in the 20th century, and among US meetings affiliated with the Friends General Conference; and several meetings in Canada, Europe, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa.

These ideas remain an important part of the liberal Friends' understanding of God. Liberal's friends highlight the importance of good deeds, especially living a life that upholds the good that Jesus taught. They often emphasize pacifism, treat others equally, live simply and tell the truth.

Like Conservative Friends, Liberal Friends reject the symbolism of religion and the sacraments, such as water baptism and the Eucharist. While Liberal Friends recognize the potential of these outward forms for the resurrection experiences of the Light of Life of Christ, they are not part of their worship, and are believed to be unnecessary for authentic Christian spirituality.

The Bible remains important for most Liberal worship services, and almost all meetings make it available in the meeting hall, (often on the table in the middle of the room), which can be read individually or publicly during worship. However, Liberal Friends, decided that Scripture should give way to God's leading, if God led them in a way contrary to the Bible. Many Friends are also influenced by liberal Christian theologians, and modern biblical criticism. They often adopt non-propositional biblical hermeneutics, such as believing that the Bible is the anthology of the beliefs and feelings of human writers about God, not the Scriptures, and that biblical interpretations are acceptable.

Liberal's friends believe that the company's confession of faith will be an obstacle - both to listen to the authentic and new insights. As a non-credible form of Christianity, Liberal Quakerism accepts a wide variety of religious understandings. Most Liberal Annual Meetings publish Faith and Practice, a book with various religious experiences about what it means to be a Companion in the Annual Meeting.


The Universalist friend affirms religious pluralism, that there are many different ways to God and that the understanding of divine attainment through non-Christian religious experience is as valid as that of Christian understanding. The group was founded in the late 1970s by John Linton. Linton has worshiped God with Delhi's Worship Group in India (an independent meeting not affiliated with the annual meeting or the wider Quaker group) with Christians, Muslims and Hindus worshiping together. After moving to Great Britain, he founded Quaker Universalist Fellowship in 1978. Later his views spread to the United States where the Quaker Universalist Fellowship was founded in 1983. Most of the Friends who joined these two fellowships were the Liberal Friends of the Britain Annual Meeting in the United Kingdom , and Liberal Friends of the Friends General Conference in the United States. Interest in Quaker Universalism is low among Friends from other Annual meetings. The Universalists' view provoked controversy between them and the Christian Quakers at the British Annual Meeting, and in the General Conference of Friends, during the 1980s. Despite the label, Quaker "Universalist" is not always Universalist Christian, embracing the doctrine of universal reconciliation.


These friends have similar views to other post-Christian non-Christians in other churches like the Sea of ​​Faith in the Anglican church. They are mostly atheists, agnostics, and humanists who value membership in religious organizations. The first organization for the non-theist Friends is the Humanistic Society of Friends , founded in Los Angeles in 1939. This organization remains small and absorbed into the American Humanist Association. More recently, interest in non-theism has reemerged, especially led by British Friends David Boulton, who founded 40 members of the Nontheist Friends Network in 2011. Non-theism controversially, led several Quaker Christians from in the United Kingdom of the Meeting Year to call non-theists denied membership. In a study of the Friends in Britain Annual Meeting, about 30% of Quakers have views that are described as non-theistic, agnostic, or atheist. Another study from the British Quakers found that of 727 members of the Religious Friendship Society who completed the survey, 75.1% said they considered themselves Christians; 17.6% do not consider themselves Christians; and 7.3% of members did not answer or round the two answers. Further 22% Quakers do not consider themselves Christians, but fulfill the definition as Christians because they say they faithfully follow the teachings and example of Jesus Christ. In the same survey, 86.9% said they believed in God.

on the topographical origins of the quakers | hbd chick
src: www.quakerjane.com

Practical theology

The Quakers testified or testified to their religious beliefs in their spiritual life, taking James's suggestion that the belief itself, if not accompanied by action, is dead . This religious testimony is rooted in their direct experience of God and verified by the Bible, especially in the life and teachings of Jesus Christ. They can be witnesses in many ways, according to how they believe God leads them. Although Quakers share how they relate to God and the world, reflecting the Christian code of ethics, such as the Sermon on the Mount or the Sermon on the Plains, Friends think they feel personally moved by God rather than following the code of ethics.

Some theologians classify the religious testimony of friends into categories - known by some as testimony. These friends believe these principles and practices testify, witness, or prove the truth of God. There is no universally accepted categorization.

In East Africa, Friends teach peace and nonviolence, simplicity, honesty, equality, humility, marriage and sexual ethics (defining marriage as a lifetime between one man and a woman), the sanctity of life (opposition to abortion), cultural conflict and Christian life.

In the United States, SPICES acronyms are often used by many Annual Meetings (Simplicity, Peace, Integrity, Community, Equality, and Stewardship). Stewardship is not recognized as a Testimony by all Annual Meetings. Rocky Mountain Annual Meeting Friends put their faith in action through living their lives with the following principles: prayer, personal integrity, stewardship (which includes giving a minimum of 10% of income and refrain from lottery), marriage and family (lifelong commitment ), things for the mind and body (refrain from certain entertainment, courtesy and courtesy dress, abstinence from alcohol, tobacco and drugs), peace and non-violence (including refusing to participate in war), abortion (opposition to abortion, practical for women with unwanted pregnancies and promotion of adoption), human sexuality, Christians and the state (looking to God for authority, not government), death penalty (alternative search), human equality, women in service (recognizing women and men) men have equal parts to play in the ministry). The Southern Appalachian Annual Meeting and Association's list as testimony: Integrity, Peace, Simplicity, Equality, and Community; The witness list areas Children, Education, Government, Sexuality and Harmony with Nature.

In the UK, STEP or PEST acronyms are used (peace, equality, simplicity and truth). In his book Quaker Speak, English Companion Alastair Heron lists the following ways in which British Friends testify to God: Opposition to gambling and gambling, death penalty, conscription, hat honor (partial historical practice immersion, slavery, time and season, tithing and promotion of integrity (or truth), peace, correctional reform, simple language, aid of suffering, simplicity, social order, Sunday observance, sustainability, simplicity and moderation.

Calendar and church holidays

The Quakers traditionally use numbers to specify the names of the months and days of the week, something they call the regular calendar. It does not use the name of the calendar unit that comes from the name of god kafir. The days begin with the First Day (Sunday) and ends on the Seventh Day (Saturday), and the month runs from the First Month (January) to the Twelfth Month (December). It is based on the terms used in the Bible: for example, followers of Jesus Christ go to the tomb at the beginning of the First Day of the week. The plain calendar appeared in the 17th century in England in the Puritan movement, but became very close to Friends in the late 1650s, and was generally used in the 20th century. This is rarely found today. The term First Day School is commonly used, for what most churches Sunday School call.

Similar to other Christian denominations dating from 16th century Puritanism, many Friends do not see religious festivals (eg Christmas, Lent, or Easter), but instead believe that Christ's birth, crucifixion, and resurrection must be commemorated every day of the year.. For example, many Quakers feel that fasting in Lent, but then overeating sometime this year is hypocrisy and therefore many Quakers, rather than observing Lent, live a simple lifestyle throughout the year ( see Simplicity Testimonial ). These practices are often referred to as testimonies of time and seasons.

Some Friends are non-Sabbatarians, who hold that "every day is the day of the Lord", and that what to do on Day One should be done every day of the week, although the Worship Meetings are usually held on Day One, which has been suggested since the first suggestion issued by the elders in 1656.

Quakers and Jesus: Christ as Seed and Inner Light | Practicing ...
src: practicingresurrectiontogether.files.wordpress.com


Most Quaker groups meet for regular worship. There are two main types of worship in the world: programmed worship and worship waiting.

Programmed worship

In programmed worship there are often Bible messages prepared, which may be delivered by an individual with theological training from the Bible School. There may be hymns, sermons, Bible reading, common prayer and a quiet period of worship. Worship resembles other Protestant denominational churches, although in many cases excludes Eucharistic services. A paid shepherd may be responsible for pastoral care. Such worship is celebrated by about 89% of Friends around the world. It is found in many Annual Meetings in Africa, Asia and parts of the US (central and southern), and is common in programmed meetings affiliated with Friends United Meeting (which makes up about 49% of worldwide membership) evangelical meetings, including those affiliated with Evangelical Friends International, (which makes at least 40% of Friends worldwide). These religious events are sometimes called Quaker meetings to worship or sometimes called church friend services. This religious tradition emerged among Friends in the United States, in the 19th century, and in response to many converts to Christian Quakerism during the current national spiritual awakening. Friends' meetings in Africa and Latin America were generally initiated by Orthodox Friends of programmable elements of the Society, therefore most African and Latin American friends worshiped in a programmed style.

Some Friends also hold "Semi-Programmed" Ibadats, which carry programmed elements such as hymns and readings into non-programmed services.

Un-programmed worship

Unplanned worship (also known as worship service , "silent worship", or Holy fellowship in the Friends way) is based on the practice of George Fox and Early Friends, who based their religious beliefs and practices on their interpretation of how early Christians worshiped their Heavenly Father God. Friends gather together in "waiting for the Lord" to experience the small voice that leads them from within. There is no plan on how the meeting will proceed, and actual practices vary greatly between meetings and individual worship services. Friends believe that God is planning what will happen, with his spirit guiding people to speak. When a participant feels the lead to speak, he will stand up and share his oral message ("vocal service") in front of others. When this happens, the Quakers believe that the spirit of God speaks through the speaker. After a person speaks, it is a habit to let a few minutes pass in silence to reflect on what has been said, before further vocal service is given. Sometimes a meeting is completely silent, sometimes many speak. These meetings lasted for several hours on George Fox's day. Modern meetings are often limited to one hour, ending when two people (usually elders) exchange peace signs with handshakes. This handshake is often shared by others. This style of worship is the norm in Great Britain, Ireland, the continent of Europe, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Canada, and parts of the United States (especially annual meetings related to Friends General Conference and Beanite Quakerism) - about 11% of Quakers. Those who worship in this style assume everyone is equal before God and able to know the light of God directly. Anyone present can speak if they feel guided to do so. Traditionally, Recording Ministers are recognized for their special gifts in vocal service. This religious practice continues between Conservative Friends and Liberal Friends (eg New York's Annual Meeting). Many meetings where the Liberal Friends dominate the abolition of this religious practice. The London Annually Meeting of Friends abolished the Recognition and Recording of the Recorded Minister in 1924.

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Governance and organization

Church administration and government

Governance and decision-making are conducted at special meetings for worship - often called meetings for worship with attentions for business or meetings for church worship where all members can attend, as at church of the Congregation. The Quakers regard this as a form of worship, which is done by means of meetings for worship. They believe this is the gathering of believers who wait for God to find God's will, believing that they do not make their own decisions. They seek to understand God's will for the religious community, through the action of the Holy Spirit in the meeting.

As in meetings for worship , each member is expected to listen to God, and, when led by Him, stands and contributes. In some business meetings, Friends wait for the clerk to admit it before speaking. The immediate answer to one's contribution is not permitted, in order to seek truth rather than argue. The decision is reached when the meeting, as a whole, feels that the "way forward" has been seen (also called "coming to unity"). No sound. On some occasions, Friends may delay the decision because they feel the meeting does not follow God's will. Other people (especially non-Friends) can describe this as consensus decision-making; but generally friends continue to seek God's will. It is assumed that, if everyone is in harmony with the spirit of God, the way forward will become clear.

International organization

The Friends World Committee for Consultation (FWCC) is an international Quaker organization that loosely unifies the Quaker religious traditions; FWCC brings together the biggest Friends in the world. The Friends World Committee for Consultation is divided into four parts to represent the various regions of the world: Africa, Western Asia Pacific, Europe and the Middle East, and America.

Associate organizations associated with Friends include the Washington-based US lobbying organization, D.C. called the Friends Committee on National Legislation (FCNL); service organizations such as the American Friends Service Committee (AFSC), United Nations Quaker Office, Quaker Peace and Social Witness, the Friends Committee on Scouting, Quaker Peace Center in Cape Town, South Africa, and Alternatives to Violence Projects.

Annual meeting

Quakers today are organized into independent and regional national bodies called Annual Meetings, often separated from one another by differences in Christian doctrine. Some associations bring together Quakers who share the same religious beliefs - for example the Evangelical Friends Church International unites evangelical Christian friends; Friends United Meeting brings together Friends into "fellowships where Jesus Christ is known, loved, and obeyed as Master and Lord;" and the Friends General Conference connect with Quakers who have non-creative and liberal religious beliefs. Many Quaker Annual Meetings, as well as a member of the Friends World Committee for Consultation, an international fellowship of Annual Meetings of different Quaker religious traditions.


Friends are members of Annual Meetings, usually starting with membership in local monthly meetings. Methods for obtaining membership vary; for example, in most of Kenya's annual meetings, participants wishing to become members are asked to take part in about two years of adult education, memorize important passages of the Bible, and learn about the history of orthodox Christianity, and Christian Quakerism. In the Annual English Meetings, membership is obtained through a peer review process, in which the prospective member is visited by several members who report to other members of the monthly meeting before the decision is reached.

In some Friends Churches in Evangelical Friends Church, especially in Rwanda, Burundi, and parts of the US, baptism of immature believers with immersion in water, is optional. In Liberal Friends, Conservative Friends, and Pastoral Friends Churches, Friends does not practice water baptism, baptisms, or other initiation ceremonies to receive new members or newborns. Children are often welcomed in meetings on their first presence. In the past, children born to Quaker's parents automatically became members (sometimes called Membership of Birthright ), but this is no longer the case in many areas. Some parents apply for membership on behalf of their children, while others allow children to decide whether to become members when they are ready, and at older age. Several meetings adopted a policy that children, some time after becoming young adults, must register independently for membership.

Are Quakers Amish? - YouTube
src: i.ytimg.com

Meetings of worship for specific tasks

Warning service

The traditional Quaker warning service is held as a form of worship and is known as a memorial meeting. Friends gather to worship and offer memories of the deceased. In some Quaker religious traditions, coffins or ashes are absent. Warning meetings can be held a few weeks after death, which can allow a wider presence, and can also replace grief with spiritual reflection, and the celebration of life to dominate. Warning meetings can take up to an hour, especially if many people are present. The warning service gives everyone a chance to remember lost individuals in their own way, entertain those present, and reaffirm the love of people in the wider community.


The meeting for worship for marriage solemnation in the unprogrammed Friends meeting is similar to other non-programmed Worship Meetings. The couple exchanged oaths before God and gathered witnesses, and reunion to open worship. At the appearance of the meeting, witnesses, including the youngest children, were asked to sign a marriage certificate as a record. In the United Kingdom, Quaker keeps separate records from the union and notifies the General Register Office.

In the early days of the United States, there were doubts whether a marriage sanctioned by that way was entitled to legal recognition. Over the years, every state has set rules for the procedure. Most US states expect marriage documents to be signed by a single official (a priest, rabbi, minister, Justice of Peace, etc.). The Quakers routinely modify the document to allow three or four Friends to sign as church officials. Often, this is a member of the service and supervisory committee, who has helped couples plan their marriages. Typically, separate documents containing their oaths and signatures of all prizes are kept by spouses, and often displayed prominently in their homes.

In many Friends meetings, the couple meets with a clarity committee before marriage. The purpose of this committee is to discuss with couples many aspects of marriage and life as a couple. If the couple looks ready, marriage is recommended for the meeting.

As in the wider society, there are various views on same-sex marriage issues, and Friends have different views on the topic. Friends meetings around the world have voiced support for, and have admitted, same-sex marriage. In 1986, the Hartford Friendship Meeting in Connecticut, USA, reached the decision that "This meeting recognizes the union committed to the celebration of marriage, under the care of the Meeting." Similar attention and attention should be paid to homosexual and heterosexual applicants, as outlined in Faith and Practice. "Since then, several other meetings from liberal and progressive Friends from Australia, England, New Zealand, parts of North America, and other countries have recognized marriage between same-sex couples. In jurisdictions, where same-sex marriages are not recognized by civil authorities, some meetings follow the early Quakers' practices in overseeing unions without reference to the state. There are also Friends who do not support same-sex marriage, and some annual Evangelical and Pastoral meetings in the United States have issued a public statement stating that homosexuality is a sin.

QUAKERS 19th century engraving showing Puritans whipping two ...
src: c8.alamy.com

National and international divisions and organizations

Like many religious movements, the Friend's Religious Society has evolved, changed, and split into subgroups.

Quakerism began in England and Wales, and quickly spread to Ireland, the Netherlands, Barbados and North America. Today Kenya, by far, is the country with the most Quakers. Other countries with more than 5,000 Quakers are Burundi, Bolivia, Canada, Guatemala, Nepal, Taiwan, Uganda, the United Kingdom, and the United States. Although Quaker's total quota is around 377,000 worldwide, Quaker's influence is concentrated in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; Kaimosi, Kenya; Newberg, Oregon; Greenleaf, Idaho; Whittier, California; Richmond, Indiana; Friendswood, Texas; Birmingham, England; Ramallah, Palestine, and Greensboro, North Carolina.


The highest concentration of Quakers in Africa. Friends of East Africa at one time part of the East African Annual Meeting, then the largest annual gathering in the world. Today, the region is served by several different annual meetings. Most of them are affiliated with Friends United Meeting, programmed worship practices and hiring ministers. Friends meet in Rwanda and Burundi, and start a new job in North Africa. Small unprogrammed meetings are also in Botswana, Ghana, Lesotho, Namibia, Nigeria, South Africa and Zimbabwe.

As of 2012, there are 196,800 adult Quakers in Africa.

Australia and New Zealand

Friends in Australia and New Zealand follow an unprogrammed tradition, similar to the UK Annual Meeting.

The considerable distance between the colonies and a small number of Quakers meant that Australian friends depended on London until the 20th century. The community remains unprogrammed and is named after the Australian Annual Meeting, with local organizations around seven Regional Meetings: Canberra (which extends to southern New South Wales), New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia (extending into the Northern Territories), Tasmania, Victoria, and Western Australia. The Friends' School was found in Hobart. Annual meetings every January, held by different Regional Meetings over the seven-year cycle, with the Standing Committee every July or August. The Australian Annual Meeting published This We Can Say: The Life, Faith and Thought of the Australian Population, in 2003.

The meeting for worship in New Zealand began in Nelson in 1842, and in Auckland in 1885. In 1889 it was estimated there were about 30 Quakers in Auckland. The New Zealand Annual Meeting, today consists of nine monthly meetings. The Annual Meeting published Quaker Faith and Practice at Aotearoa New Zealand, in 2003.


Quaker meetings took place in India, Hong Kong, Korea, Philippines, Japan, and Nepal.

India has four annual meetings - Unwanted Central Indian Yearly Meetings, Bhopal Annual Meeting Programs Programmed, and Annual Meeting of Mahoba. The Annual Meeting of Bundelkhand is the Evangelical Friends' Church affiliated with Evangelicals Friends International. Other programmed and non-programmed groups of worship are not affiliated with annual meetings.

The Evangelical Friends Church is in the Philippines and Ne

Source of the article : Wikipedia
